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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Superman

  1. Can you hire another person to do the updates/fix things? We are kind getting tired of waiting 6 to 8 hours for an update that other bots do it a few hours...
  2. Nah, its never worked for me.
  3. It seems like the timer only counts down if you are actually viewing your thread. I made a thread about 30 minutes ago and the timer has only gone down by 9 minutes. This is annoying because: 1) The bump button is messed up and you can't bump your thread by saying "bump" anymore. 2) Also its 6 hours now Can someone please fix this? Thanks
  4. Stop bashing on ever single graphics thread. You aren't the king of graphics or what ever you think you are. His grqphics are better than yours anyways. I think you are just jealous.Anyways, that looks really good @Reflex
  5. My main computer is a mac, so does that change anything?
  6. Hello, yesterday I transferred some scripts from my main computer with a flash drive to my older computer. I found out that my old computer had a keylogger If I use the flashdrive on my main computer, will it also get keylogged? Also, anyone know how to reset a Lenovo to factory settings? Thanks
  7. Hide it in some random ass place where no one goes. And your family will find it eventually. Just sayin
  8. I've seen at least 5 Occazn's lol
  9. Jagex will always be banning people.
  10. I'm waiting for @GoldenGates's script lol
  11. I'm unsure of why you made this decision, but If you ever want to work for SSF the door will always be open. I'm 75% sure he will make more money if he doesn't join. My question for you @Dashboard is, why are you so "unsure"? You kinda tried to bribe him into joining you by offering $200 plus 15% in sales, or whatever it was. There more be a reason for this..? I know as well as you do why he made this decision.
  12. Don't take the offer. Here's why you shouldn't take the offer: We all get to see @Dashboard rage. You will make a lot more money. (Trust me, you will). You steal all of @Dashboard's sales. You will enable a lot more people to buy it. For example, I would never pay $25 for a script, and I'm sure a whole lot of people agree with me on that. Everyone will love you. So ya, don't take the offer.
  13. Iron powerminer Willow power chopper (then you could chop anywhere)
  14. inb4ujoinme Don't you dare accept that offer... Don't care how much he pays you, just plz don't. Sell it for 5 bucks and the community will love you forever and you will make some ca$h.
  15. Lmao he made a thread about @GoldenGates copying his work. He shouldn't have made the price 25 dollars and been so egotistical about his script. EDIT: @Dashboard is trying to bribe @GoldenGates now?? Shits getting real
  16. Ikr! I dont know a lot about scripting, but what I do know is that ssf is not that amazingly hard or complex
  17. Said the most condescending prick on the forums? Thats just because you don't like me. I am not mean to everyone. The irony. P.S. I do make myself giggle. Yes maybe 2 weeks ago but I have changed. And the reason I don't like you is because you're the most condescending prick on the forums. Not to mention that in response to Catastrophe you admitted to being a dick to everyone on the forums up until 2 weeks ago, so when you say 'I'm not mean to everyone' I find it hard to believe. Its true. I don't like you, and you don't like me. And what does @Catastrophe have to do with this? Sure, I can be a dick to people sometimes, but I have a reason for it, and I don't just go and flame on people that did nothing. /Tommi goes into the chat and PM's people really mean things. I don't do that.If I don't like you, then there is a reason for it. I can't remember what you said, or what you did, but I do remember it was something. And don't put all the blame on me since you are equally involved. Now, Jupiter, if you were to get to know me then you would think differently, so please don't judge me without actually knowing me. And what I meant to say to @Catastrophe is... I don't really know, its 3 am and I'm tired. I guess I meant I was more prone to getting into arguments with people, but I have reasons for it so please don't judge. It appears that most the people in this thread don't like you. I don't know you personally, but I do know that EVERY post you have ever published has been judgemental. I have a fairly strong idea that you wouldn't like me, and to be honest I'd rather that. Look again. Have you seen like 5 judgemental posts and then you think ALL my posts are like that? Now thats ignorant. Plz look at all my posts again
  18. Superman


    I'd be happy to test it for you :P Lumby to Varrock Lumby to Edgeville Somewhere to Camelot. (Over the mountain by Taverly). These would be helpful^ This could be implemented into a bunch of scripts that require death walks.
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