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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Superman

  1. Well I care, I mean at least he didn't copy and paste a guide for profit. Ahhhh shietttt
  2. You should open a gfx shop. Your work is amazing. EDIT Nvm you already have one. Lol
  3. Thanks for this, I turned off all my bots
  4. You deserve to be banned. Hopefully Jagex sees your RuneScape name. Not cool bro.
  5. Superman

    Another Sig

    Needs some work. Theres something messed up with the pixels. And I don't like how it has the depth thing.
  6. buy sponsor :P naw thats too lol, thats VIP status haha there needs tobe something that sets apart VIP and Sponsor Personally its perfectly fine the way it is now tbh theres nothing wrong with it. dont try fixing something when theres nothing wrong with it. No Support for this at all. What makes Sponsor so special? Well... VIP is more expensive. It should be 1 bigger signature, like 600x600 or what ever the size is, and then several smaller ones, maybe 250x400. It is really annoying when people have several huge signatures.
  7. You don't need 8 things in your signature. One or two would work fine. I think it should be decreased to 3 images, but a lot more text.
  8. what about the others lol Lol. Master should be promoted. None of the people in the Global section should get global. And lol the chatbox is even worse. @Shakur? Lmao
  9. The whole point of this vote is stupid. @jason put himself up there, just because he wants Global. Its kinda lame of him to do that. Well he's done it 2 or 3 times so...
  10. Only one who should be promoted is Master Chief. No one else deserves mod, especially not @Shakur.
  11. Superman


    I don't like it. Can't read it, design is bad, just meh.
  12. That's because there was no counter at the time I had ~300 posts, and after it got added, it was bugged. Pretty sure old members would still remember me. If I joined on March 22nd then I would have like 4k posts lol. You only have 350....
  13. You only have 16 hours online. Thats like 2 or 3 days for me. And you only have 350 posts... So no Veteran for you. Sorry.
  14. Those are quite good stats to dds stake. Make sure to fight lower levels without prayer with the same stats.
  15. The bot is up 99% of the time. Then its down for a fee hours and you guys completely freak out. Whats wrong with you guys. When jagex updates rs the bot will not be functional. All you are doing is stressing out the admins.
  16. It will takd 7.238 hours.We dont fking know
  17. Take cover, close your blinds, lock your doors! The broken client threads are incoming!!
  18. Contact Raflesia, he will help you.
  19. They don't leech. Some are here to bot/gold farm only, like what Raflesia said. You don't have to be involved in the community.
  20. He was demoted for plagiarism or something like that. He was selling a guide already on the internet.
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