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Everything posted by javidamme

  1. in what price range are you looking for? mayby we an come to an agreement
  2. javidamme


    can do it for 15m
  3. yes he aleardy knows that hes a friend of me and ive explained him evrything that he has to know about accounts selling etc im probs buying the account of him but i told him to make a post to get a fair price
  4. ill post an offer of 150m to start off
  5. id say atleast 150 for the first one not sure about the 2nd one
  6. hello today i am selling some of my league accs reason for it? i buy them as lvl30 smurfs and rank them up till the rank i prefer to let it go. what do i currently have? euw: plat 4 and plat3 eune: dia3 turkey: plat v (currently gold1 demoted cuz innactivity will be plat back) if you are intrested in the champs/skins pm me or post below since i will screenshare the account's because evrybody could just take some pictures from google and post them. the accounts comes with all the information that ive gotten from the offsite accounts have been in my posession for over 6months and never gotten a ban. can also boost ur account or one of mine to the rank you desire. taking rsgp/paypall
  7. title says it all post ur prices below
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