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Everything posted by javidamme

  1. javidamme


    buying this acc rn and also a main acc of him
  2. if you dont get banned ?
  3. javidamme

    LF main acc

    title buget 300-350 usd or equivalent in osgp looking for trusted only so post below prefered good cmb stats range/mage/melee and decent other stats aswell the more quests done the more ill pay ofc
  4. got all the reqs need asap post price
  5. javidamme

    LF 1-50fm

    hand done no bot quote price
  6. paying verfied pp post prices below
  7. title hand done at sand crabs or somthing else http://prntscr.com/k80d6h post below
  8. can be closed gengar is doing it for me
  9. hand done post prices below this are my stats http://prntscr.com/k76xgh
  10. javidamme


    need dragon slayer 1 tree gnome village and mm1 post prices below http://prntscr.com/k6q1la NO BOTTING at all
  11. add my skype OSRS Services Javi
  12. price and has to be hand done trusted only since its the last xp's needed
  13. http://prntscr.com/k55v9l
  14. need preist in peril animal mag and the restless ghost also 3 slay lvls post prices below will go first if trusted and has to be non botted
  15. hm is the aw for the mining account?
  16. title says it im paying with paypall hit me with prices
  17. yh the lvl1 skills will be worked on the acc is a week old
  18. http://prntscr.com/k1zvod got this one im currently working one
  19. what agility/hunter are you looking for? im currently making a lvl3 skiller
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