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Everything posted by javidamme

  1. 1. Pictures of the account stats http://prntscr.com/io7skv 2. Pictures of the login details http://prntscr.com/io7t5g 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) http://prntscr.com/io7s0s 4. Pictures of the quests completed http://prntscr.com/io7th4 5. The price you will be starting bids at 100M/90usd 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account 170M/160usd 7. The methods of payment you are accepting rsgp/paypall prefer paypall 8. Your trading conditions you first unless ure trusted or mm 9. Pictures of the account status https://prnt.sc/ilgeuk 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address OO is @volta comes with email
  2. http://prntscr.com/ie8xdo http://prntscr.com/ie8xoi
  3. Hello evryine today i am here to offer my boosting service. ppl are saying im stuck in elo hell (silver-gold) well im here to help them out for a small price i started playing lague back in season 2 then i got placed gold and since then always been high plat and dia my main roles are top and support. the service i offer is playing on your account or duo with you on a smurf of me if intrested send me a pm with ur elo and the elo u want and we can discuss a price on there since if u buy a boost on a site its ridiculous high CHeeers javi
  4. https://c2c.igvault.com/ 10€ for a smurf unranked account lvl 30+ and 30K+ be
  5. title post prices below i dont go first unless you are trusted
  6. javidamme


    goldas is doing this for me
  7. javidamme


    quote price must be hand done
  8. nope its to go back to duel arena sold my main and have no staking acc anymore so needa buy a new one :p
  9. http://prntscr.com/hk07kr :p
  10. yh pmed him aleardy on skype bought 600+ from him but he isnt oline and kinda need it asap
  11. title only going first by trusted willing to use mm looking to pay around 0.85$/M with verefied paypall
  12. Good for you that ur wife is a cop and read the rules bofore wasting ur time typing this shit
  13. u need atleast 100 post count to sell acounts and im not buying from low fb ppls so in future dont post on my topics ;)
  14. you need atleast 100 post count to be able to sell accounts
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