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Everything posted by gekkebakker

  1. i think the answer is 13mins if you want the 10 to go trough
  2. that aint good lol i dont the answer but if you see the tunnels man i just.... mindufcked cant get it right
  3. i guess its due the update ive tried 5 scrits and all doesnt work good so waiting to update
  4. well there simply isnt. just use an aio fighter and walk and bank manually
  5. you like fishsticks in you're mouth ?
  6. Depends on what method you're using ofcourse . and yeah some people take a hit on the supplies and some dont :P i personly dont if you want a service you simply need to pay for it .
  7. Great once dbuffed looked in to this i can start please wait
  8. alright alright so few questions. you create the accounts ? you supply the runes and bond ? IF NOT the price of the account made +the price of the bond stated at the current price of the day bought + supplies ( runes )will be added to the total price.
  9. Sub-quest 5: Freeing Evil Dave - 1.7M (4M if kitten) Sub-quest 6: Freeing Skrach Uglogwee - 800K Sub-quest 3: Freeing Pirate Pete - 700K Gertrude's Cat - 500K Shadow of the Storm - 1M Demon Slayer - 500K The Golem - 700K Big Chompy Bird Hunting - 700K Goblin Diplomacy - 100K so it would be 6,7m with the CAT and 9m with kitten.
  10. Sub-quest 5: Freeing Evil Dave - 1.7M (4M if kitten) Sub-quest 6: Freeing Skrach Uglogwee - 800K Sub-quest 3: Freeing Pirate Pete - 700K
  11. I can do this order trough here
  12. Hello we can do this order trough here. https://osbot.org/forum/topic/127615-1-aio-services-all-account-types-hand-trained-professional-services/
  13. Hello i can do this and can finish today. please order trough here
  14. hello you can order here 60-99 35gp/exp hunter 36-99 15gp/exp woodcutting 31-99 25gp/exp mining 40-99 65gp/xp agility
  15. great sccript got me 2 accounts to 99 in like 9-12 days :D:D:D:D:D
  16. please order trough @Dbuffed aio service thread. i am availeble for the torso and d defender
  17. well the void d defender gracfull i would say around 20m as for the other stats and quests i'd say 10m 30m max ?
  18. gekkebakker

    PC 91 cb

    d def is like 7m fire cape is like 15m starter dharoks account without het b gloves no high mage yeah 20-25m max
  19. is Skype down ? i am online but the things i say wont be recieved to the other person. tryd logging in and out doesnt work
  20. if you where trusted i would bought this account in 1 sec god dam nice account mate
  21. yeah b gloves from scratch is 80m or so so your account is worth like 170-200m as said above
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