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Everything posted by gekkebakker

  1. i got 8 diffrent pk accounts maxed ( range mage str attack ) all botted i started with 15 accounts and 8 survived but i got all possible builds to pk with and all maxed but smart buddy good luck
  2. how can people even run 100 accounts ? my pc would crash heavily XD nice script
  3. so you are telling me you can bot on you're mobile ????????????????????
  4. - Do you agree to the ToS? yes - Do you agree about the deposit? Yes, we havetalked about it on discord - What's your Skype? discord bad_hybrid#1464 - What are you applying for? quester , defenders , torso's
  5. hey decode i saw that you reply'd on my thread.


    and i looked into you're thread of hiring workers ..


    unfortunatly i can't miss the 300m this month i bought a lot of things IRL so i am cutting some down this month.


    but maby we can work something out i am happy to do the quest works :D

    1. Decode


       Add my discord: Decode#2806

  6. hello guys ass i said a few days ago i am back each year i am only online october-november-december i have worked for dbuffed before and did many quests for people. I DONT SKILL STATS! i only do quests d defender and fighter torso. if you need something done hit me a pm
  7. is it posible that you can include biohazard to the quest list
  8. will do bro from 15 october i am back 12 hours online a day till january
  9. thanks only playing for 3months each year
  10. hey guys had a year break i am back now for all you're services i see ALOT of new faces in here nice
  11. not true i botted an account from tut to 60/60atk str 80 range 80 mage and mith gloves with stealth quester in 2 weeks no bans so far
  12. yeah i downloaded the malwerebytes i had 42 virusus all with the same name pup object or something all accounts got bank pins in a week and i use 2 steps on them so next wee kwhen pins there leets buy some bills lol
  13. gonna secure all ym accounts now with pins and shit never been hacked before since i begon playing in clasic rs lol...... freaky as hell this man fking feaky i know for 100% i dont clicked a link or something like that only thing i got on this laptop is osbudy and osbot lol.... only thing i can think of is osbuddy being compremised
  14. alright so i posted a thread of my pure being hacked and taken the stuff away samething happend like 1-2 hours ago on my main account i dont know what 2 do 2 completly diffrent email addresses i have no services done bye it on both accounts and both accounts had diffrent passwords please help me idont know what to do how to scan my computer for any keylogger or something im deadbeat....
  15. NOTE: You need atleast 100 posts to be able to sell accounts.
  16. never been banned once usin osbot scripts and i got like 25 of them
  17. alright now i am freaked out i wanted to change my password but i see my email adress was changed also ( email and rs details password was probly the same )
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