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  1. doesnt loot for me when i choose safespot for west greens or laa greens
  2. 7one


    is this updated yet?
  3. yowwww thank you this worked for me my man
  4. 7one


    stopped working entirely for me, keeps saying i have no cannonballs
  5. 7one


    used ıt once from 60 range and mage to 90 range 85 mage, ı thought ıt was expensıve but once ı babysat ıt for a few hours ı deemed ıt worthy. ı do also have the khal one and thıs one ıs stıll acceptable sorry no proggy but ı wıll be usıng ıt soon on 2 dıfferent acounts to get 99 ıll try to document ıt
  6. 7one

    MirrorClient v6.0

    how do you actually download it tho
  7. Bug Report Template Status in the paint(Screenshot): Client Version: "Osbot x.x.x" 2577 Client Type(Mirror Mode OR Stealth Injection): mirror Inventory layout: Equipment layout: GUI settings (Screenshot(s)): lava maze green drags with safespot enabled nothing else special What is the error that is occurring? i set the safespot and all it does is bank and go back to the lava maze attacking the dragons without using safespot anymore, it just attacks How can I replicate this error? go to lava maze by the ports and use the safespot, wait for it to bank and youll see that it doesnt use the safespot anymore Logger output (Screenshot): n/a also i want an option to withdraw a certain quantity of arrows out of the bank every time it banks please
  8. 7one


    this is the same problem im having atm
  9. 7one


    banking isnt working? it just goes there and doesnt walk back to the monsters
  10. 7one


    i made a new one #Mon Jan 28 12:28:37 EST 2019 Drink\ Magic=false Withdraw\ Data= Pickup\ By\ Value=false Min\ Loop\ Speed=150 Spec\ Weapon=None Drink\ Ranging=false Drink\ Strength=false Pickup\ Min\ Value=1000 Loot\ Data=Air rune, NONE, false\:Earth rune, NONE, false\:Nature rune, NONE, false\:Law rune, NONE, false\:Blood rune, NONE, false\:Chaos rune, NONE, false\:Cosmic rune, NONE, false\: AFK\ Mode=false Drink\ Combat=false Caged\ Monster=false Healing\ Prayer=None Drink\ Attack=false Other\ Healing=false Eat\ Below\ Health=25 Eat\ At\ Bank=false Use\ Prayer=false Eat\ Food=true Safe\ spot=2837, 3245, 0 Use\ SGS=false Protection\ Prayer=None Area= Eat\ Below\ Deviation=5 Utility\ Prayer=None Defensive\ Prayer=None Targets=Moss giant, 42\: Food=Lobster Drink\ Defence=false Use\ Guthans=false Drink\ Antidote=false Offensive\ Prayer=None Drink\ Potions=false Use\ Guthans\ Below=35 Drink\ Antivenom=false Drink\ Below\ Prayer=15 Bank=AUTO Loot\ Out\ Of\ Combat=false Max\ Loop\ Speed=250 Safe\ spotting=true Banking=false Drink\ Antifire=false Deposit\ Inventory=false Drink\ Antipoison=false Bank\ No\ Prayer\ Supplies=false
  11. 7one


    i searched with no success
  12. 7one


    i forgot to mention im on a mac
  13. 7one


    i gotta reconfig it, u wanna video too or what, and hello good morning, i apologize -71 i also had a problem with it at the ogres in the cove
  14. 7one


    lesser giants on karamja
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