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Everything posted by Gunman

  1. Sub emails for personal use and using all 20 characters per account. For selling... err make an outlook I guess?
  2. Logins and Tuts got bought out Only have 200 Hand Made Tutorials US rn
  3. @Prolax Key word "this" is to specify context. Can also be used to specify the current class context if passing as a parameter private int value = 0; public void setValue(int value) { this.value = value; }
  4. I assume you're using the patcher, which you should be using the custom cli arg option with the cli arg -bot email:pass:pin
  5. Gunman

    Stealth Quester

    That sounds like the walker, which Token can't do anything about besides write a whole walker. If you want to force any script to use invokes, to a degree that is, I made something to attempt to force the entire bot tab to use invokes. Just run the script and that tab should try to use invokes when it can. https://github.com/MrGunman200/OSBot-Extended/tree/master/playground/compiled_jar
  6. Revision update today, still something broke waiting for Pat to wake up and take a look.
  7. Mhmm thanks odd if PayPal doesn't know. Can try going here https://osbot.org/forum/clients/purchases/ clicking on manage for the product, then see if there's a cancel button. That may or may not work
  8. Same process as it's always been to use mirror, except you launch the legacy client through Jagex's launcher.
  9. Gunman


    Np, if you want to try invokes on scripts that don't support them I made something to attempt to force enable them bot tab wide. Run the script and then any script you run will attempt to use invokes out side of walking and other circumstances. https://github.com/MrGunman200/OSBot-Extended/tree/master/playground/compiled_jar
  10. Gunman


    As far as I am aware most people haven't noticed a difference. And unless it can be tick manipulated, no not really
  11. Gunman


    Instead of having to click on something, then the game processes the action, then sends a packet to the server, an invoke just calls the games function to process the action and we give it the details to process. TL;DR we tell the game to do actions, without doing the action. The point of clicking in the top left is to send a click packet before the action packet. https://i.imgur.com/QgSkTUd.mp4 Toggling prayer twice instantly causing it to appear always on, virtually giving you infinite prayer. https://i.imgur.com/T5LowpU.mp4 As long as the client has the data accessible we can call basically any action. Objects are Scene wide so you can call those even if they're off in the black void 50+ tiles away. Scene is a 104x104 area around the player. Scene is set when the loading message is in the top left corner. Invoking a walk here action on a tile is different. You can invoke to walk to any tile, but the server only processes up to a 128x128 area around the player.
  12. Patcher is basically limited to 1 account. If you're gonna run multiple use the bot manager as suggested above
  13. https://i.imgur.com/MN8l7AA.mp4
  14. Use the patcher button in the client or add account as jagex account in bot manager to use jagex accounts
  15. Muffins already handled this.
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