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Everything posted by Gunman

  1. That sounds like it's using invokes my guy not the mouse
  2. They send packets with all the data yes, whether they care or use it is truly unknown
  3. Assuming you're using their launcher then yes. Part of that work I mentioned before was people getting it to work outside the launcher by grabbing the session id to login. And specifying characters is an index of 0 to 19
  4. It didn't really do much besides make people do some work to get it working nearly the same as legacy accounts
  5. No I'm out of stock, and highly doubt I'll get a restock of legacy accounts
  6. Need to post your discord UID too I can't find you in the sever
  7. Not at all an issue tbh
  8. Bump Current Stock (Accounts are Non Jagex) HandTutorialUS: 5052 14-Day-Membership-Code: 60
  9. Gunman


    It's another take on the conditional sleep class that makes it a one liner with lambdas and a reset condition. Imo I'd use the Sleep class because of the reset condition option
  10. Gunman


    Get your code up bby not your funny up Sleep.until(()-> !script.inventory.contains("Raw salmon") || script.widgets.isVisible(233) || script.getDialogues().isPendingContinuation(), ()-> myPlayer().isAnimating(), 3_000); Sleep.class import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.function.BooleanSupplier; public class Sleep { private static final int DEFAULT_POLLING = 600; private static final int DEFAULT_CYCLE_LIMIT = 100; public static void sleep(int time) { try { TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.sleep(time); } catch (InterruptedException e) { // I don't wanna deal with Interrupted Exception handling everywhere // but I need it to reset the execution when it happens throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Sleep Interrupted*"); } } public static boolean until(BooleanSupplier condition, int timeout) { return until(condition, ()-> false, timeout, DEFAULT_POLLING); } public static boolean until(BooleanSupplier condition, int timeout, int polling) { return until(condition, ()-> false, timeout, polling); } public static boolean until(BooleanSupplier condition, BooleanSupplier resetCondition, int timeout) { return until(condition, resetCondition, timeout, DEFAULT_POLLING, DEFAULT_CYCLE_LIMIT); } public static boolean until(BooleanSupplier condition, BooleanSupplier resetCondition, int timeout, int polling) { return until(condition, resetCondition, timeout, polling, DEFAULT_CYCLE_LIMIT); } public static boolean until(BooleanSupplier condition, BooleanSupplier resetCondition, int timeout, int polling, int cycleLimit) { try { int resetCounter = 0; long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); while ((System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) < timeout && !condition.getAsBoolean()) { if (resetCounter >= cycleLimit) { break; } else if (resetCondition.getAsBoolean()) { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); resetCounter ++; } Sleep.sleep(polling); } return condition.getAsBoolean(); } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } }
  11. Need to post your discord UID too I can't find you in the server, your info provided might be wrong.
  12. Need to post your discord name too
  13. I can't find you in the discord
  14. Need to post your discord UID too
  15. Try running jar fix https://johann.loefflmann.net/downloads/jarfix.exe
  16. Please note that global OSBot T.O.S. always applies in addition to this one, and personal T.O.S. can be declared obsolete at a moderator's discretion. OSBot Rules Market Rules
  17. Yeah I reported it to Pat and he fixed it in .20 as far as I'm aware. Maybe try deleting cache as I just tried it with .21 on a freshish osbot folder and it worked fine
  18. Worked on .20 for me
  19. It calls that method everytime there's a new message in chat. Print out the calls and see if it would work in your case
  20. No, free only has 1 client 2 tabs, and I don't think it's currently possible to use more than 1 tab with Jagex accounts Currently the best support for Jagex accounts is through the manager, there is the patcher as well but not nice to run multiple with.
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