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Scripter II
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Everything posted by myOSBaccount

  1. i wouldn't think so, or at least not in mass quantities. the whole point of a tut island account is for mass gold farming with a large mass of accounts whom you don't expect to keep unbanned for too long. something that was "hand done" would get a better value because it means you won't get banned for a previous offense. you'd want a main account to be hand done because you don't want to have it banned, but since a tut island account is destined to be banned then why would you care, or moreover pay more for it. if i wanted a safe tut island account then i'd make it myself. why would i risk someone else being the OO of an account i'm planning to use in the long term. takes like 5 minutes just so you'd know no one will be able to reclaim an account you intend on making valuable.
  2. you could probably get the perfect AI bot, and it will get banned for botting.
  3. yeah that is true. i'm not sure how exactly they operate but i think i have a general idea for it. the perfect example for such a mod is mod Weath who everyone loves.
  4. yeah, he was falsely banned for botting and it was reversed. he's the #1 player, there's 0% that a mod would physically ban him just for it to be reversed once noticed. you're not going to manually ban the #1 player without making sure that he did commit the offense, so it must've been an automated 2 day ban due to his normally suspicious behavior. idk what's the other thing that you read so i sure don't know ?
  5. maybe (probably) some are, but definitely not all, or this wouldn't have happened:
  6. yeah i just meant that i don't think it requires a mod to physically ban you to get a bot busting moderate ban rather than a perm ban. also there is (or used to be) a 2 weeks ban for RWT for gold buyers. not sure if that's been changed, but that's not an option in this case in the first place.
  7. are you sure that it's a 1 day ban? i've only heard of 2 day bot busting moderate bans. also yes, you are going to be highly scrutinized from now on, so you should stick to playing legit for the next year (as the infraction expires after 1 year) if you care about that account. it says bot busting moderate, not bot busting moderator ^^ i'm not sure how bans are handed out when it comes to IM, much less HCIM, but in general if it's not a ban for hardcore goldfarming then you're more likely to get a 2 day ban instead of a perm right off the bat assuming your account isn't brand new.
  8. Hello! a word of advice: if you do care about the account and plan on playing it legit as well then i'd first suggest avoiding agility as it probably has one of the highest ban rates. in general if you don't plan on gold farming for profit and simply can't be bothered with training certain skills by yourself then make another account to gold farm on. use that gold to pay for hand done services on your main and drastically reduce the chances of being banned for botting on your main.
  9. no need to be rude you know. i simply saw you're asking for a rather odd build for a zulrah account and wanted to make sure you realize what you need for zulrah so that you don't buy an account that wouldn't fit your needs. there's somewhat of a difference between a zulrah account and a zulrah ready account. in your case you want a zulrah ready account with certain stats/equipment but don't care if it's zulrah-viable. if you'd take an account with level 1 mage, prayer, 60hp and no animal magnetism then great, but it's not much of a "zulrah account" (at least not the standard one) which is what i first thought you're looking for by your title. sorry that i wasted your time. good to know you do know what it takes for zulrah and gl going forward.
  10. so much more of a custom build than a defined zulrah account
  11. you're aware that the stat that matters the most for zulrah is magic and not range right? you use magic for 2/3 of the phases and range only for 1.
  12. (V2) this error started occuring https://imgur.com/a/ij4O0JP i'm not sure what the cause of it is, nor if it effects anything. everything seemingly works fine as it ran for at least 15 minutes with it happening. it just repeats in the log until i restart the script.
  13. i reckon you can't sell accounts here without enough posts
  14. too low. you saying that companies asking for 80-100m for accounts such as these is wrong (it's too low), as they would definitely be asking for much more than that. and you saying that 40-50m is the price an individual should ask for is WAY too low, as they should really be worth 80-100m. i'd love to know where the hell you're getting your prices from to sum it up an account such as this (also including ava's and not just a god cape) should probably be worth around 100m if you are reputable enough, otherwise you probably won't find a buyer in the first place.
  15. another small thing i just witnessed. i always wondered why i'd sometimes end up with partially used dueling rings in the bank but i think i got it now. in my set up i equip a ring of recoil, as well as have a spare one in the inventory for when the equipped one breaks. if both rings of recoil were used during the last zulrah trip then after teleporting to clan wars it won't re-equip a ring of recoil before banking (which is granted, as both were used up and none are left) meaning the current ring of dueling remains equipped and none are in the inventory. then when banking instead of taking out two rings of recoil to replace the two that were used up it will take out one recoil and one dueling. i assume this is because it only checks for the inventory and sees the ring of dueling is missing. only then after equipping the new ring of recoil and then having two rings of dueling in the inventory, meaning it's missing one recoil, it will open the bank again to deposit one ring of dueling and withdraw a ring of recoil. a time where it would be fine to withdraw a ring of dueling and only one recoil (requiring you to bank twice for the 2nd ring) even after both recoils broke would be if the last ring of dueling broke as well, a result of using it's last charge just then (meaning you have no ring equipped or in your inventory after teleportation). not a script breaking oversight, but mildly time consuming and possibly contributes to further profile someone as a bot, rather than a human who would know which rings to withdraw in the first place.
  16. myOSBaccount

    OSBot 2.5.5

    does this mean you have to fix both the client and your crystal ball?
  17. alright sounds good! is there any expected time for when a nice update will come out?
  18. after dying and collecting the equipment it will drink potions to prepare for the fight even if there aren't sufficient supplies for one. meaning it will drink potions for no reason, then teleport out to clan wars. also i'd still like to suggest that you make the script override the client's breaks so that it will be similar to how frost barrows handles breaks, instead of going afk for a few minutes before the client starts the break timer.
  19. i would HIGHLY suggest that you do get 75+ mage as the trident is a significant time saver. magic level is really the most important thing for this boss.
  20. seems like my account got caught as well, and i was just closing in on the 3k kills mark =/ shame about that 100m i was going to sell over the weekend ):
  21. it afks for 30++ seconds (can be over a minute as well) every time after picking up loot for some reason. this heavily effect the kills/hour.
  22. that should depend on your equipment and stats. with my set up and stats i can achieve 16-18 kills/hour making 1.5-2m(very rough estimate)/hour excluding expenses, also excluding unique drops such as magic fangs. i personally use breaks so i can't tell you exact numbers for long runs but those numbers seem about right.
  23. not really idle, but rather it seems unable to click on zulrah. it dodges etc, but doesn't actually attack. also seems that it can't press the minimap now and instead spam clicks on the ground to walk. not sure if this has more to do with the client itself or the script.
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