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  1. I understand your frustration. I see why you'd dislike my series and how i go about showing the profits i make. The thing is though, i am just showing my experience and what i do. I never said those are pure profits or anything, just what the accounts are making. Neither have i ever mentioned that my series are a guide and you should do everything as i do there. Watching the series you can get a rough idea what botting is and how much you can make a day off certain methods. Its up to you to do the math and see if its worth it or not for yourself. Also id like to point out that the guide i mentioned in the last video isnt my guide. Its just an advertisement like any other. I'd want you to correct your post, because i am not ''SELLING BOTTING COURSE'', i am just advertising someone elses. In fact, i am working on my own website that will have posts about botting and guess what, i am not going to charge anything for that. I've never sold my own guides, i never will either. Also, whats with the hate for cracked accounts? From my experience they rarely get recovered and cost a fraction of what a normal account would. Why wouldnt you want to invest less to make the same amount off each account? If you have anything else you want to expose me of, feel free to do so. I'll be here to respond to whatever issues you have with me and my channel *edit* You saying that i make 360m off 10 ppl buying the guide is false. All the profit goes to the creator of the guide (botting hub). if 10 ppl purchase the guide, i make 0 M off that Also, you're a bit off with the account prices. Master farmers would go for approx 10m, orbers for 6m and mort myre accs also are cheaper than what you stated. I see why you'd do that, after all, it does make me look worse to people that dont bother to do their own research and blindly believe everything thats posted on forums. Since thatš your goal, i am not surprised at all.
  2. EdTheGreat


    Hello! I tried using it and i've ran into some issues. It does not eat at the bank when its low on hp and that results in the bot just dying and afking in lumby for quite a while.
  3. Ed#9420


    Funny aint it

  4. Can vouch for them, been using em for the past 2 years without any issues what so ever.
  5. Hello there, 

    My name is Ed and i make youtube videos related to botting and i would love to feature your orber script in my videos, mybe you'd be interested in a video review?

    Here's my channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyl25eMl2lPX9JyP90IbGGg?view_as=subscriber

    Let me know what you think!


    (Writing here since you cant recieve messages :/ )

  6. Bandicam works pretty well for me
  7. Hello, i am a creator on youtube and i create videos related to botting. I'd love to feature your scripts on my channel, let me know what you think.

    (I've sent you a pm, would love to talk to you there!)

  8. Hello there Apaec,

    I make youtube videos about botting and recently my viewers suggested that i do a botting to max series. I'd love to feature your rock crab or sand crab script on that series! Let me know what you think about that!

    (writing here since you cant recieve pms :/)

    My channel - https://www.youtube.com/user/eduards201

    1. Apaec



      Apologies, it seems my inbox is full. I will clear some space now. Cheers!


  9. Shame i lost my minnows account recently, would have loved to try this out
  10. lol im super proud of my dick. it's pretty big. I watch porn all the time and im disgusted by everyone's small dicks.
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