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  1. thanks just out of curiosity is it possible to add blowpipe till attacking magers then switching to t bow ( i know not everyone would be using t bow )
  2. also is rigour support going to be added? noticed at jad it was using a much lower range boosting prayer
  3. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/976257442625245207/1055510045791625258/IMG_2861.jpg
  4. bought this years ago ran it back then then it broke but trying it out again now
  5. not much of a bug but maybe a way to hit 63 quicker would be to add butterfly catching support earlier on to get through some of the levels without having to hunt birds which is quite slow xp/hr
  6. DailyBot


    2 weeks later, no update. lol
  7. DailyBot


    is that why it gives an error constantly when trying to run it? when do you think you'll have an update
  8. DailyBot

    Stealth Quester

    i dont see how this happened to you when i did it with 33 defence and it stands next to the spider getting hit a 0 and 1 maybe then once the gorilla goes it runs past, did MM fine with this today.
  9. appeal the account as hijacked if you ran it on a proxy while botting. otherwise you're pretty much screwed.
  10. can i get a trial of this?
  11. who told you i didn't get banned? i do get banned as much as anyone else. i just come back and carry on.
  12. @Khaleesi do your signatures work for this? i've checked mine says i've gained 10M xp with your script but i'm sure i've gained like atleast 40-50m xp with it by now
  13. what exactly are you looking at to see i got a couple of 99s
  14. it's all fine now. one small issue i do get is when choosing my own tile at baker stall in ardougne (under baker on the east) it misclicks and clicks the baker and gets hit by guards alot
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