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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Rekt

  1. Things you missed: Psiak's english. Phony getting rekt by Karma. Mainio's Sq. Santonio's Sq. Phaibooty's Sq. Koont's Sq. Somemore Sq's idr.
  2. Rekt

    lvl3 to main.

    I wonder why would you quote my price for fire cape here.
  3. free for me forever, right? Gratz on release
  4. hello and welcome back fren. hope you enjoy the community side
  5. why not, i mean you should tell this to people who farm post count, but no one does anything >:D don't be mad at me but you are asking people to take responsibility for you actions. Meaning they will have to face any consequences that might arise from your actions. Lets be civil and reasonable instead of Autistic.
  6. Rekt

    Nico niiii

    disappointed chris.
  7. for what its worth i mean't the two cool sites don't pay with paypal.
  8. No prior experience. No feedback Joined June 19 No deposit hmmmmmmmmmmm NO!
  9. theres only two cool websites i know of and both are only accepting btc so no idea what you talking about.
  10. Rekt

    60/60/60 Stats

    Oh sorry i meant 21.47m
  11. Rekt

    60/60/60 Stats

    special 25% off only for you.
  12. Occupied with stuff can't handle this without a legit worker. But thanks for the tag.
  13. Disputed Member: @pauliokas123 Why it should be removed: dunno why not. Details: https://gyazo.com/e321d5cc1666bf13b51af4771c6a727d Link to topic: None.
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