in view of recent scams and scam quitting i want to make a suggestion.
Note: This assumes that a person can only handle two orders at once( 1 Afk skilling(not all skills are afk) and 1 Questing order) for them to be hand done.
Far as i have observed scam quits happen once the service provider has more than he can handle or has accumulated more orders than he can handle, if i take mainio's situation for e.g.
you can see 6/7 people were those who wanted a Service Done.
on to the Actual solution/Suggestion/Requirement:
Non verified service owners shall be required to post their Current Engagements on their service thread this will give the community a better idea about what they can handle and prevent service owners from accumulating more orders than they can be handle. Therefore reducing their motive to scam or scamquit.
example of actual practice to be followed by the Service owners:
Starting from today i'll be following this practice myself and i request service owners to follow this healthy practice.
You may post any improvements to this system, Please avoid spamming.