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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Rekt

  1. hold ctrl and right click it then format pic to the resolution you are allowed.
  2. ily too, was only wondering why would u need 2 threads in the same section
  3. how is this even about my marginals some1 is clearly salty i mean ofc its business but ok.
  4. couldn't rename the title of thread u already had?
  5. Why would u post this here, anyhow i can do this for 5m.
  6. Type of trade: Service--5.8m Runecrafting xp. Your skype: facebook:jazzed123 Other Person's skype: live:theweekndxoxo2017 Do you agree to TOS: yes
  7. have you seen them get a good price for it tho?
  8. tfw pcing rs3 acc in 07 community. :facepalm:
  9. its in signature but facebook:jazzed123 , also i have some issues with skype right now
  10. why post in selling section tho.
  11. look at daddy contributing to the community
  12. first thing u need is 25$ donor on sythe
  13. Wrote him a script he told me he'd pay 100$ yeah i didn't really want to pursue this but this guy is legit retarded. Proof he agreed to pay 100$ and proof the script was in working condition. : Proof he is retarded:
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