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Everything posted by 1anter

  1. I don't think he gives trails
  2. should I buy tut accounts or make them myself
  3. in restless ghost the script wont open the coffin it works fine for me in mage tower
  4. hi, are staking and bossing scripts allowed or no one did it yet?
  5. 1anter


    hi, just wanted to ask if i buy a 1 month VIP will the VIP scripts stay with me after the 1 month
  6. i got a 2 day ban a couple a week ago then stopped for 2 days got back to botting didnt get a perm tip: stop botting/playing the account for a couple of days and buy a proxy
  7. 1anter

    need fire cape

    hi there i want someone who i can trust to get me a fire cape on my main
  8. exactly what the title is, i want to try a proxy but don't know who to trust
  9. why is the script still not working? and to the people who use the script how long do you bot for and break
  10. can you make build in breaks where it will run from the sand crabs and log out
  11. any tips on run time and breaks
  12. i think of selling my account want to now how much it will go for give me a price on how much you will buy it for and i may sell it
  13. 1anter

    changing it

    1m pm me if you want
  14. i didnt get the trail do you give trails or just like posts??
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