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  1. @Czarany updates? i need a maniacal monkey script that supports chinning & ancients u are the GOAT
  2. Hi guys, idk if you still read this thread but i just purchased this script and i have some feedback: 1. When you wanna make Astrals @moonclan island the script will bank the seal passage, the result is a kick off the island after the first run (when banking) 2. When making abyss runs from Edgeville, the option housetab-jewerly doesnt work, it does the run then teleports to my house but it can't find the jewerly-glory on the wall. 3. When making abyss runsfrom Edgeville with equipped glory's, the script doesnt bank sometimes. The character just stands still. When i move the camera down myself, so the banker comes into the screen the script will go further and bank for the next run. But when the roof of the bank is visable, and the banker is not the script just doesnt do anything. So you can't leave this script alone for hours, you have to check-in sometimes and lower the camera. I'll hope this message finds you guys, i'm a great fan of Czar scripts and i dont want a refund or something. Keep up the good work. Grtz. Stadstoezicht.
  3. Trial me pls. If it works I’ll buy
  4. Hey, Can i have a refund? the Demon Butler and Phials functions are not working The demon butler function stays in dialog with the demon butler, and the Phials option loggs off after 1 trip
  5. Hey, Can i try this script before buying it? Thanks!
  6. Hey, can I have a Trial? Thank you very much. Greetz Stadstoezicht
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