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Scripter II
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Everything posted by d0zza

  1. This part of your code will trigger every time you are outside of the thugs area, so if you attack a thug outside of this area your script will make you walk back to inside this area. Increase the area so that all of the spots thugs can walk to are also included.
  2. I can't see anything wrong with your code from a quick glance (other than formatting which makes it pretty hard to read) but maybe your character goes outside of the thugs area whenever it tries to attack a thug causing the WALK case to run again? This is definitely something that can be fixed.
  3. Check the logger too, I feel like there might be positions in your area that the webwalker can’t reach and it’s looping until it finds a position it can reach.
  4. Will only go first to trusted members.
  5. You could use a custom login handler instead then. Check out explv's one on the forums, it works very well.
  6. I've given you literally exactly what you need in my previous post. Why read my first sentence and ignore the rest?
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