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Scripter II
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Everything posted by d0zza

  1. Open the logger before you run the script and watch it while the script runs, it sounds like there's a null pointer exception somewhere.
  2. d0zza


    This script only supports smithing of items, cannonballs are made by smelting.
  3. I'm not too sure however I have noticed the same type of delay when using charter boats. It's possible that the webwalkevent running has it's own sleep/conditionalSleep that runs that delays the break condition check. To get around this you'd have to do write the part that gets into dialogue yourself and not use a webwalkevent to do it.
  4. Fixed, ty for letting me know. Still selling!
  5. Title, PM me or skype me by clicking the button in my sig.
  6. The game only loads objects up to 15 tiles away from your player so you won't be able to get all the objects in an area that big.
  7. Sent you a message on skype.
  8. I'm able to make one for you, you can take a look at my script shop in my sig or send me a PM
  9. WalkingEvents and WebWalkEvents block the rest of your script from running as long as they are being executed and as far as I know onMessage is run after (or before, don't remember) your onLoop is run so if you do have a walkingEvent that takes a while it could be stopping your onMessage from running. However I can't say I've ever experienced these issues as I've never needed an onMessage to run while walking.
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