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Scripter II
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Everything posted by d0zza

  1. d0zza


    Most IDE's nowadays have their own GUI builders that you can use
  2. Take a look at the API found here: osbot.org/api/ There are heaps of methods that return different things for what you want. For what you know for know just assume getInventory() is the same thing as importing OSBot's inventory API and calling inventory. If you want some more help you can pm me and I could possibly give you a fletching snippet and explain it to you
  3. Disputed member: @Ship Thread Link: N/A Explanation: He messaged me on skype asking if I had any gold to sell. We agreed on 85m at $1/m through paypal. I went first as I had sold him gold a few days ago and had no problem. After I traded him over the gp he proceeded to delete me from his skype and I have not received any payment from him.
  4. Hey guys I'm d0zza and welcome to my private script shop! All scripts come with 3 months of free bug support. Either skype or pm me your script request. My feedback can be found here Private scripts made: 75+
  5. I guess I wasn't clear enough, I don't want it to break every set amount of minutes, I want it to break when it gets to a certain point in the script meaning the break depends on what state the script is in. This should work, thanks!
  6. Hey guys I want to take breaks and log out for a period of time at a certain point in a script I'm making. Is there a way to disable auto login for a set period of time? Or is there a way I can utilise osbot's break system through the api?
  7. Oh fuck me I know why, I should be using a while loop, not a for loop
  8. This line here: if (getMouse().click(false)) { should be clicking the mouse, just because I have it in an if statement doesn't mean its not going to do anything. getMouse().click() is a boolean function that returns true if the mouse is clicked or false if it isn't.
  9. I'm trying to use getMouse().click but it doesn't seem to be clicking when I want it to. My code is as follows: for (i = 0; i < 28; i++) { if (InventorySlotDestination.getSlot(i).contains(getMouse().getPosition())) { if (getMouse().click(false)) { i++; sleep(random(100, 125)); } } else { Rectangle rect = InventorySlotDestination.getSlot(i); getMouse().move(rect.x + (rect.width / 2), rect.y + (rect.height / 2)); sleep(random(100, 125)); } } Basically I'm just trying to click on all items in my inventory, my mouse moves through the inventory as intended but doesn't click on anything. I don't want to use inventory.interact() as that doesn't serve the right purpose for what I want to do.
  10. Not too sure but maybe the jagex made the portals more than one type of entity? Like sometimes it's an NPC and other times it's an object so maybe try using Entity API?
  11. I was also trying to use Store.sell() about a month ago for a script and gave up because I was having problems with it too
  12. Please delete, I've figured it out
  13. I'm not sure if this is still the case but a month or two ago when I was testing acceptTrade() I realised the widgets are wrong. So I had to find what widgets to interact with myself using the widget debugger.
  14. So I'm trying to make a combat script. If another player is in combat with the closest monster to me how do I make my script attack the next closest monster? I've tried making a function to do this: public NPC closestAttackable() { List<NPC> npcs = getNpcs().getAll(); for (i = 0; i < npcs.size(); i++) { if (!npcs.get(i).isUnderAttack() && myPlayer().getArea(7).contains(npcs.get(i))) { return npcs.get(i); } } return null; } but this seems to always return null, any advice?
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