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  1. Hey czar ! Ive got your magic, fishing, and mining bots and I love them! is it possible to get a free trial for this one?
  2. torvaaa

    Fruity NMZ

    I am in the same boat. What are the ban rates looking like? This script looks amazing though, looks like you put a lot of time into it.
  3. Hey is it possible to get a 1-day trial? going for 99 prayer looking for a reliable script!
  4. Hello! May I get a trial please?
  5. Hello! I would love a trial! looking for a good agility script
  6. Bought this script back in 2016 and started using it again this year. Its been amazing! I have never experienced any difficult's with it and have done about 750 runs in under 2 months of using it casually. Keep it up frost!!!
  7. Hello! could i get a trial please? You gave me one before but i did not check before it ran out ! I am interested in buying the script and have finally got all the requirements. Thanks
  8. great looking script! What are the minimum combat stats I should have if I want to run this script efficiently ? I am thinking about buying it.
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