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Everything posted by Hel

  1. Ah I see! Thanks for your thorough explanation, really helped
  2. I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about tbh, but the method I use works fine for things such as bank.isOpen(), so I'm still at a loss of why it works for some booleans and not others?
  3. Been trying to use a ConditionalSleep to check when the trade window opens up, but it seems to just timeout before it even realises that it's actually trading. log("before cond"); log(trade.isCurrentlyTrading()); // returns false, as expected condSleep(10000, 200, trade.isCurrentlyTrading()); log("after cond"); log(trade.isCurrentlyTrading()); // returns true, as expected // also in the class private void condSleep(int timeout, int delay, boolean b) { new ConditionalSleep(timeout, delay) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return b; } }.sleep(); } Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  4. I've never had an issue with this and I use it alongside ingame widgets that are only visible once things are loaded, but noted
  5. thanks, but I don't think the path is actually local, it goes off the length of one minimap, so localpathfinder can't seem to route to it
  6. Hi, I was trying to create a method similar to walking.walkPath(path), but rather than pre-defining the path with positions, I wanted to randomly grab a position from an area, to try create some randomization to the path. So far I came up with List<Position> pathToWalk = new ArrayList<>(); private void walkCustomPath(List<Area> areaList){ pathToWalk.clear(); for(int x = 0; x < areaList.size(); x++){ pathToWalk.add(areaList.get(x).getRandomPosition()); } walking.walkPath(pathToWalk); } This works, but the walking is very gross compared to a regular pre-defined path with static positions, so I suppose what I was wondering is if there's a better way to go about this? Thanks
  7. It says "I hate being empty"
  8. Can you explain how it would reach an infinite loop? It tries to open the bank, and waits until the bank is open, or, sleeps for 10 * 300, 15 * 300, then tries again. I understand that if it were to somehow mess up completely and continually miss-click or whatever it would reach this stale loop, but if a bank is nearby, this handles it fine.
  9. It honestly doesn't end up in an infinite loop ever, I've ran scripts for over 24 hours with that banking method and it doesn't get stuck, also I suck at utilizing the onLoop's loop. To your dismay I use those sort of loops to retry all my actions that could have a miss-click or something of the sort.
  10. don't give me that, it's rough but it works
  11. I use private void openBank() throws InterruptedException { bank.open(); int reset = 0; while (!bank.isOpen()) { sleep(random(10, 15)); reset++; if (reset > 300) { reset = 0; bank.open(); } } }
  12. I've had this too, the way to ghetto-like fix I found was to just add a sleep function after opening the bank
  13. oaks really did you well hey
  14. Mirror is reflection, yes.
  15. I make it random just so it doesn't always execute immediately after something is viable, there is a 0-5ms difference ( not sure if it would help with ban rates, just reasoning) I also do have a timeout, I was just trying to keep it as simple as possible to avoid over complicating things.
  16. have you tried turning it off & on?
  17. Hel

    Crafting PC

    And wha would you say for 70/80?
  18. You could also even just use a while function while(myPlayer().isAnimating()){ sleep(random(400, 500)); }
  19. Hel

    Crafting PC

    pc please & PC if crafting was 70/80
  20. I bot them all on my home IP idgaf :^) I usually bot ~8-12 accounts
  21. local server, Not sure if you're asking for internet supplier or what, but Telstra.
  22. I bot tutorial island -> 7 QP -> Quick Requirements -> Method seamlessly without locks
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