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Everything posted by Butters

  1. Thanks, liking your scripts too. By the way, is this worth putting on SDN or not?
  2. So, if I understood correctly, OSbot blocks the execute command Blocked permission: ("java.io.FilePermission" "<<ALL FILES>>" "execute") So there's no way to init a new Osbot client from within the script without having some outer program/listener?
  3. Thanks for the heads up. Didn't know about this one. But immediately I see a couple of concerns: 1) How do I know if the site will be available for a long time? 2) This is strange The current raw lobbie D is 377. The site gives me two ID's with the same revision number.
  4. Definatelly will Cheers, please inform me if everything went well
  5. Probably some random F2P quests in the short term. Though I think I didn't see a Dragon Slayer bot anywhere. So gonna do that maybe sometime later. Also thinking of making an AIO fighter and a miner - muler.
  6. Doric's Quest Download Link Hey, I'm in the proccess of making fully automated scripts and decided to share this one with you. Feel free to use it. I did this cause I didn't find a free Doric's quester that's fully automated (most scripts usually require to have the materials before the quest). Correct me if I'm wrong. Why to use this script * Gives you that lovely quest point * Great quest if you want to gain starting mining XP (1.3k) Features * Checks if you have the ores in your bank on start * Mines clay and copper at Rimmington mine * If your mining level is 15 or more, mines iron at Rimmington mine * If your mining level is less than 15, checks if you have the money to buy iron at GE * If you don't have the coins, mines clay to sell for coins * Sells clay and buys iron (or just buys the iron if you have the coins) * Checks the current prices via API * The script uses OSBot webwalking, so you can start it anywhere on the Runescape surface. If you don't have a pickaxe in your inventory/bank Doric will give you one at the start of the quest Known issues Setup If you find any bugs or have any suggestions feel free to post them on this thread or contact me.
  7. Thanks, but any idea how to load them? I need the ID for grand exchange (and probably would find more places where to apply them), as I don't have the items on me when I want to buy them. I'm using the OSBot GE API for the buying part, but it requires item ID's.
  8. I was wondering is there a way to failproof code by not hardcoding item(or any other) ID's? For example I know that I can get the ID if I have have the item in inventory or somewhere else Item item = inventory.getItem(new Filter<Item>() { @[member=Override] public boolean match(Item item) { return item.getName() == "SOME ITEM NAME"; } }); log(item.getId()); But what if I don't have the item in my inventory/region/etc?
  9. Why haven't I seen this earlier? Thanks for this
  10. Thanks, fiddled around a little bit and got the ID's. This is just for information gathering right? Cause I don't believe that I'll be able to interact with a widget through the info of its' tooltip. Anyway thanks for the responses. But how about getting the widgets without hardcoding ID's?
  11. Sorry, if it's out there somewhere, but was unable to find one. Is there/or could someone write a decent tutorial on how to use widget debugger, use widgets in code etc. with examples? For example I want to make the bot to click on GE Box1. I can see that the Action for it is "View offer" when I hover my mouse on it, but using widget debugger I'm unable to find which widget it is, that has the action. Also, I've seen in multiple topics that using static widget ID's in code is like punching your grandma. As I understood you can use RS2Widget allWidget = getWidgets().singleFilter(getWidgets().getAll(), new ActionFilter("SOME ACTION HERE")); but isn't it extremely inefficient, cause as I understand it goes though all the widgets? And is it safe to filter by action alone? Thanks in advance
  12. Thanks for this, but maybe someone could help me out how to fix this error. I get a NumberFormatException in the setPrice() method. Well, basically I get it everyhere where Integer.parseInt() is used. For example this if (priceText() != null && priceText().getMessage() != null) says it's not null and then tries to execute the parseInt() and ends up with a error. Though when I log the getMessage() method it's empty. The error occurs when doing a buy or a sell offer. Any idea how to fix this properly?
  13. Butters

    GE API

    I have a noob question/request. Does anyone have a snippet for how to use the OSBot GE api? I need to be able to sell, buy etc. Can't get my head around this one public boolean buyItem(int itemId, java.lang.String searchTerm, int price, int quantity) What do I put in the java.lang.String searchTerm? equals, ignoreCase etc. as text? And is there a way to search for items by name instead of ID's?
  14. Greats, thanks. Way cleaner than the one I wrote
  15. Any idea why this worked perfectly for me for a couple of first times and started not to find the items I'm looking for? Even tried by replacing the getRSBuddyPrice() method with getOSRScurrentPrice().
  16. Thanks, usefull info. But I can't find a method to get an object by colour.
  17. Hey, Maybe someone could help me out with mining in OSBot? Can't figure out how to code a miner. Different rocks don't have a distinct name, so I though about hard coding ID's, but as it turns out, the ID's change. I failed to get objects (rocks) by position. Maybe it's possible to get rock objects and check if they are mined by colour/position? Any snippets regarding this will the greatly appreciated.
  18. Butters

    Restless Ghost

    Any idea how to do that? By the way would love to hear if the script is working for you guys.
  19. Butters

    Restless Ghost

    Thanks Aiban, the config stuff works great and made the code less messy. The only concern I have is about getDialogues().completeDialogue(); . It works great but it just flies through the whole conversation. What I've done is that I'm still using dialogues.clickContinue() and dialogues.isPendingOption() (added sleep between actions) and I check in getState() if the bot is still in dialog ant don't change anything till its' finished. Is this a decent solution or maybe I could rewrite the completeDialogue() method somehow to add sleep to it? By the way, is there a way to close the Quest completion window? I'm using getWidgets().closeOpenInterface(); but it doesn't seem to work. Another problem that I have is that after completing the quest I call stop(false); to stop the script. But OSBot then somehow gets confused and if I try to run a different script afterwards it starts the restless ghost script again. What should I include in the script to prevent this form happening?
  20. Butters

    Restless Ghost

    @RONTAG Lol. @Aiban Thanks a lot. Gonna look into it.
  21. Butters

    Restless Ghost

    @@Uhtred @@Jammer Thanks. Let me know if you'll find any issues
  22. Butters

    Restless Ghost

    Hey all, I'm thinking of making quest bots and started off with Restless Ghost, cause I think it's hard to find one. I'm doing this because i want to share this script with you and to get some advice/suggestions from more experienced scripters. DOWNLOAD LINK: Wouldn't mind if someone could give any suggestions for the code. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Credits to Aiban for telling me about the configs. Made everything less messy.
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