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Everything posted by Butters

  1. "Jagex mods hate it. A new way to quickly unban your bots"
  2. I had the assumption that -allow norandoms dismisses ALL random solvers. The includes logging in, RS pesky random dismissal etc. and I do believe that even breaks (correct me if I'm wrong). I seriously doubt that if you use -allow norandoms and check "Dismiss all randoms" in OSBot settings, that the client with dismiss RS randoms
  3. Dissabling it is easy, you'll just need to launch the OSBot client from CLI with a -allow norandoms parameter. Example: java -jar "PATH_TO_OSBOT\osbot 2.4.101.jar" -login OSBOT_LOGIN:OSBOT_PASS -bot BOT_USERNAME:BOT_PASSWORD:BANK_PIN(0000 if none) -debug 5012 -allow norandoms -script SCRIPT_NAME_OR_ID:null (script parameters are null) Check this out http://i.imgur.com/8ZCZeq4.png
  4. Best would be not to use ID's. Better hardcode the names of the scimitars. bank.withdraw("Adamant scimitar", 1); Edit: Also a good idea would be to use conditional sleeps between each withdrawal, like: new ConditionalSleep(3000, 500) { @[member=Override] public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return bank.withdraw("Adamant scimitar", 1); }.sleep(); Have your logger opened when trying do withdraw stuff your way. I suspect a null pointer exception.
  5. 95% that you ripped this code Look here if (System.currentTimeMillis() - openDelay < 1000) { return; } Item pack = getInventory().getItem(12732); if ((pack != null)) { openDelay = System.currentTimeMillis(); pack.interact("Open"); opened++; log("" + opened);
  6. Well two things here that may produce "Lag", though I think you should be getting an error in the logs. First of all check if the ID's are right, then check if the npc is found with if (npc != null) . Then a good idea would be to check if the NPC is visible, cause it won't interact with it the other way (correct me if I'm wrong). And finally, I seriously doubt that an NPC has an action "use". I don't remember the outcome if you use an action that isn't there. Either nothing happens or you'll get an error.
  7. Will work great if the NPC is in the area, bu here's some messy code to walk to npc if it's too far away Filter npcFilter = new Filter<NPC>() { public boolean match(NPC npc) { return npc != null && npc.getName().equals("NPC NAME"); } }; NPC npc = npcs.closest(npcFilter); if (npc != null) { if (npc.isVisible()) { //Interact } else { Area npcArea = npc.getArea(6); // Radius around the NPC if (!npcArea.contains(myPlayer())) { walking.walk(npcArea); } else { camera.toEntity(npc); } } }
  8. I've been doing f2p melee/range/magic for about three weeks using injection. 8 accounts still not banned. Though none of them ever been boting for more than 6 hours.
  9. Kinda ashamed that I didn't test it on Mirror Give it a go
  10. Butters

    Restless Ghost

    Aah, I didn't test it on mirror mode, but will do. Thanks for the heads up
  11. Thanks. Maybe there's a post what Valkyr was doing and etc.?
  12. Butters

    Restless Ghost

    Thanks for the post. But I've just redone the quest with a fresh account and all looks good. Kinda thought maybe Jagex updated the dialogues. Aereck options are: "I'm looking for a quest!", "Ok, let me help then." Urhney: "Father Aereck sent me to talk to you.", "He's got a ghost haunting his graveyard." The interface had these options and still selected something else?
  13. I'm trying to make a bot GUI with JavaFX instead of swing. Well you know, looks 10x sexier. Though I ran into a ton of problems. First things first, is it even possible to properly use JavaFX in OSbot instead of Swing without going through hell? I've called the GUI like this Application.launch(Test.class); Cause this doesn't even bother to work Test test = new Test(Script s); test.launch(Test.class); // Tried with null - the same // Getting cannot be launched more than once exception Any idea how to pass GUI parameters between the interface and the bot code? Or shouldn't I even bother and write everything in Swing?
  14. Check if this is deselected
  15. Thanks! Extremely useful. Just to clarify on this bit: if (mining_rock_positions.containsKey(p)) { mining_rock_positions.remove(p); e.consume(); } else if (!mining_rock_positions.containsKey(p)) { RS2Object rock = getObjects().get(p.getX(), p.getY()).get(0); if (rock != null) { mining_rock_positions.put(p, rock.getId()); e.consume(); } } You populate a HashMap of rock positions in the area where you are and then add/remove the rocks with ores in the list? Though this snippet is only for updating the rock map that the user manually clicked on, cause I believe mouseListener does not catch client "mouse clicks". Am I right?
  16. Thanks. Will make the code much cleaner. But what does the get(0) do? And back to the original question. The mouse class has a method getPosition(), but I'm pretty sure it returns the coordinates of your window. Any way to get a runescape map position from those mouse coordinates?
  17. Nah, that doesn't work or I don't know how to check that. The object that I've interacted with somehow is still visible and existing. The new no-ore rock is a new object with a different ID. So what I do is I store the objects' that I've interacted with position and then scan for rocks that contain no ore. If the rocks' with no ore position matches the the rocks' position that I'm interacting then I now that the rock was mined.
  18. I'm making a mining script and I'm storing the current rock that is mined, so that I could later check if it still contains ore (to stop animating and go to next rock). The problem is when I enable input and click on a random rock myself the script stops working after the rock has been mined. I want to determine on what rock (or on what location) I've clicked and do something accordingly.
  19. I'm having trouble finding what position on RS map did my mouse click. I've created my own MouseListener class and it catches the mouse click event perfectly. But how can I convert my mouse coordinates during the click to, lets say, a Position on RS map?
  20. @Explv Kudos to you. Extremely useful. Thanks
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