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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Void

  1. Skype: allhailzamorak2
  2. Void

    70-82 Magic

    I'd advise not going cheapest wins as you'll get someone with 4 negative FB; joined yesterday who will steal your shit then we'll all be crying about it in the dispute section. Choose someone trusted and vouches for I'd reccoemned if you want to see your account ever again.
  3. Or the retard who keeps posting about getting a thread approved about 30 times
  4. no this is just too much autism for the forums you belong in the CB
  5. They go through them. If anything making a thread will just annoy them and take it longer - have some patience.
  6. report goes to mods mio is mod mio looks at this page realises it is spam bans herself world burns
  7. The sad thing is this still wont reduce the amount of cancerous posts with people complaining about mirror mode and how their precious pure got banned. Live and learn. Also the antiban stuff? Just gonna leave this here... @dmmslaver Good guide though will be great for new comers who want a rough idea and workaround on bans and gold farming.
  8. how many threads do you want to make god damn?
  9. Most scripts (SDN) logout when their out of supplies/banned. This means the script might not want to log back in as it assumes you've already finished. If you DC however the script shouldn't stop and should relogin you.
  10. Void

    Heya xD

    this is strange but welcome
  11. https://gyazo.com/eccaee8ec1629bc099627d4d13d02072
  12. I'm looking to in the end have barrows gloves on the account when it's done by the service person - so 175qp yes + whole of RFD.
  13. Need barrows gloves quotes from this: Legends quest has just been started; not chosen sides yet. Recipe for disaster hasn't got any sub quests completed. QUESTS COMPLETED/STARTED ALREADY STATS Contact: OSBot PM or Skype (allhailzamorak2) Any quests can be completed; whatever is easiest I don't care! (Remember to always get a PM Confirm!) Thanks.
  14. Disputed Member:[member= Why it should be removed: Trade never happened; this was over 1-2 months ago. Twice I think he's done this wasting my time. Details: Trade never occured; I just couldn't garuntee tutorial island stock. He was relentless at spamming me despite me being out (yes my timeframe was inaccurate) but nonetheless the trade never occured. Link to topic: N/A
  15. Stop leaving me negative FB for a trade which never occured you cuck top braindead kid
  16. Void


    Can't sell w/out 100 postcount
  17. You are safer yes with Authenticator; however a bank pin is the best choice (as if someone really wanted that 500k bank; they could social engineer their way to your authentictor codes) Jagex staff or OSBot will never ask for your PIN or Auth email.
  18. Then the source of the 'breach' wasn't down to OSBot. That's a simple given due to all code on the SDN being reviewed - and unless @Maldesto is looking to double up at the arena with some insane luck I think you can safely assume it wasn't us
  19. I'm sure there's more valuable accounts than your 500k bank signed into OSBot right now - hell even some black chin bots would have more value and I have never seen any posts about them going missing. You probably got phished by going to a Double XP stream on Twitch lol. Just change your password and go spin flax for a few hours - then you'll make your bank loot back!
  20. 30-40M with trusted OO due to the high Qp and quested defence.
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