well everyone this ban has fucking debuncked OSBot for being detectable
not just 100%
but 110%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you're tryna make it sound like it's the scripts creator for getting you banned yet you're the retard who botted (I'm guessing here) but a valuable account otherwise you wouldn't be a whiny little prick about it
if you bot; expect a ban; and if you cared about bans you would use a fucking bot and just do it yourself u lazy piece of shit
it's not like the creator forgot to put in some code like
void dontbanmepls() {
if (plebIsBotting){
ban + null;
and for this script they just thought fuck it! lets leave out the PREMIUM ANTIBAN and get @Rixhi banned
i mean i guess what i'm trying to say is
shut the fuck up
VOID xxx