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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Void

  1. Are you covering username etc or would Jagex not ban for that? Gl with stream!
  2. Storing some for my own farm before selling more Thanks tho!
  3. Void

    please help

    Locate the .jar file Right click to see the "Open with.." or "Open with >" Follow through the menu's and try and find it to open with "Java(TM) Platform SE binary"
  4. Is DH best? or should I do like guthans, or bsndos etc?
  5. Aiming to max this account as soon as possible via NMZ.. What would you say is best gear and what order? Should I do 99 str first? This is my current setup: (pls no roast for B gloves) What is the best setup I should be using for quickest route for 99/99/99? (excluding barrows gloves) Budget is no issue (can use bandos etc) Thanks!
  6. http://services.runescape.com/m=news/open-weekend--starts-8th-june-2017?oldschool=1
  7. Loool 103 defence scuffed pure!
  8. skype: allhailzamorak2 got 1000+
  9. Pwahhh Darren shutting people down in this thread ?
  10. Void

    Mobile games

    Maybe try bluestacks? it's a android emulator for PC - probs can do some stuff with that if you put in some time.
  11. Yes , he's requesting work where he can do the following: quests levels etc
  12. Think he's advertising as a firecaper; not a reuqest for firecape service
  13. Are you supplying the cash and items required for skills?
  14. I think summoning would be pretty dope - the early days of summoning was sick
  15. Check: Port your using is 1080 (if they give you the port of 3128 from the supplier; check they support SOCKS5 and then change port on end to 1080. Ensure you authed your IP if you can.
  16. From scratch off tutorial island? Probs looking at 120-200M; maybe more. With stats? Providing no QP; maybe around 100-120m.
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