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  1. I actually found the complete fix, we can setup a deal for $30 and ill set it up for you entirely
  2. Can i buy with osrs gold plox? and can I get a trial
  3. Can I plox have trial sexi sir - nvm forgot you can't req on this
  4. Can do this all hand trained, PM me!
  5. Officially my first ever OSBot Script. Please don't judge me as I am a total novice here, I specialise in Object Orientated PHP IRL, and Java is only something I've dabbled with. This script will chop trees and bank then for you, and also equip your axe, or leave it in your inventory if your attack level is not great enough. This script will walk to the woodcutting area predefined in the code if you're not in the area and walk to the bank and deposit all logs once your inventory is full. I have also implemented some Anti bans, and have gone from 1-65 woodcutting so far on an account of mine. I will continue to bot until ban! Download here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/pd3i8ryhtbyg41r/src.zip/file Download Jar here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/mca54v0kqngxegk/ChopperScript.jar/file Any feedback is welcome Hope some find this useful!
  6. Cant get this to work, can you please help? Just sits on calculating..
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