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Everything posted by gearing

  1. yeah man maxed out various mains and trained shitload of others as it is an instance i would say yes; however i think spam clicking rapid heal can make your acc flagged i wouldnt recommend doing more than 2-3 dreams a day, afaik the times when you could nmz 24/7 are long gone
  2. as per title; paying with balance please contact me via discord (gearing#3065) cheers
  3. how is it going? i can be a tester once you have a working one
  4. spice collector to boost stats kills rats then loots preferred spices - maybe pays attention to/ feeds your kitten so it doesnt run away freaking useful tbh we used to have one but it got removed
  5. you would need a script for this - or shitload of irl slaves
  6. the only way there is: using an account created by them
  7. the client is the creator of the accpunt, eg no risk of recovery
  8. which quests and what stats, black demon would worth less than sand snake or kendal if you want to make some money let the client create the account and do the rest, that should result in more business
  9. hey man, im free to test this tomorrow, added your discord
  10. i have a beast one; low hp with rigour 1500+ttl 225qp gearing#3065 if interested
  11. gearing


    hey @ez11 please do auth me a trial, i would like to check the performance at ammonite crabs thank you very much
  12. you are banned for games of chance, no chance that they unban that acc, botting is different
  13. same, gave back all accounts banned 3+years ago, still ignoring newer accounts usually half an hour, though that is on workdays
  14. i doubt that would work but good luck or start making a new one LOL
  15. not per se, they simply didnt reply
  16. i gave it a try this march and they gave back my maxed pure that was banned in 2014 https://prnt.sc/s0kwdj https://prnt.sc/s0kwyj i guess it depends on how long ago was the ban
  17. i have a beast one; low hp with rigour 1500+ttl 225qp gearing#3065 if interested
  18. ouch, i have a maxed 60att 81cmb with 84agility; should you be be interested: gearing#3065 is my discord good luck
  19. he did; and fortunately we could clear this up, thank you for your time reason for the issue was something along these lines
  20. according to his feedback the account was sold back in 2018 i asked the OP to provide me the username via PM so i can clarify this IMO the OP 100% fails to remember the correct username, i probably sold an account with the login that includes numbers and he put in the incorrect ones. I am waiting on his reply
  21. hmm, i dont remember recovering this account at all, can @Ragnar Lothbrok send me the loginname in a PM?
  22. where did you get this email stuff from? even with the original email, the account can ALWAYS be recovered by the creator lmao @Kawaiii i sold gmaul rushers with 13pray and way lower hp 100bucks apiece back when BH and pvp were way more frequented, i dont see this one going for more than 50
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