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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by dmmslaver

  1. IMO if they dont nerf more, like remove NMZ, game is dead. None of these cancer updates should have ever been applied. They got so much hate they had to rollback their game servers 10 years to keep customers. But then they apply the same updates that made people leave and maxed bots flourish. Makes no sense.
  2. Not only did jagex update and break the game by adding overpowered armor that was obtainable totally outside of the entire storyline with minimal requirements that caused hundreds of thousands of players to quit, but jagex then later removed said armor causing hundreds of thousands of more players to quit. And they say botting is killing RS, while they constantly obliterate years of peoples manual progress.
  3. I have one that can create 1800 accounts per day with 25 rotating proxies. Of course your ROI will be dependent upon your proxy source as well with any account creator. Will not be accepting paypal, buy gold or btc :p
  4. You're already became botlike by selecting where you click based on coordinates. Players don't do that, they just spam click in the general direction. ;) Unless there are intricate obstacles being traversed. If you go to the web walking nodes on F2p you can notice massive amounts of bots all taking the same paths. So it's not exactly dynamic right out of the box, in the sense of players misnavigating and such. But it could be adjusted to do this. The easiest mix of the two would be to use webwalking but select each event you send based on easiest click x, y not "best" random tile
  5. dmmslaver

    4k Scaling

    @VoidI can write you a custom solution that rescales all clients to a resolution selectable with a slider scale. PM me if you're interested.
  6. The OSBot DEOB Neural Network can only process Jagexs 765 bit hash every 3 hours. Today they used a 1530 bit hash, so except it to be down for a couple more hours. This could be an ever more present issue in the future and I'm surprised the team hasn't developed a workaround yet.
  7. webwalking long distance-1GB no webwalking-256mb-300mb cpu irrelevant, as long as its not a nokia
  8. 30 day member for $2???????????????
  9. You can use one of my 90/90/90 accounts for a stream plug :p If i can write this script in 30 minutes do i get $200?
  10. Are you new to earth? Government fiat debt slavery is what you're under. They steal about 20% of your savings every year through inflation. In fact the us dollar has had 99.7% of its value stolen by the government. You couldn't pick a worse store of value, maybe besides rotting cheese.
  11. It's going to go up, and a lot of people will make money. Then, it will go down, and a lot more people will lose money. That is the nature of fiat bubbles. However, it could go as high as 30k usd before then.
  12. I can sell you 100 for 79K ea. First time customers get double accounts. So you get 200 for 7.9M @tranzystor3
  13. I have an acc with all of the reqs plus lunars. 90/90/90/90 combat stats. Pm me if interested
  14. I can write it for cheap. But the method is $10,000
  15. The script was sold for 1.5B. You can lock thread now. I sold script for 1.5B and new owner sent GIF of 200m exp
  16. How do you know they werent instantly banned if you didnt log into them? Maybe the proxies you -checked- the accounts with were flagged. Thus leaving the ones that had already been logged into passed the ip check and not vulnerable to the flagged checking ips? Just a theory
  17. If you pm me like 5 of those ips i can tell you if they are the issue. Hard time believing you're getting detected like that.
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