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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by dmmslaver

  1. Can login fine with exact same user pass normally. Cant use CLI. Invalid username or password. java -jar osbot 2.4.101.jar -login user:pass plz help
  2. All they need is to be able to set a maximum wait time before running evaluate() Also note, my solution only works if you're walking from south to north always. However it would be easy to modify it to work for other directions.
  3. Solution: Thread shitTree = new Thread() { { setDaemon(true); setPriority(Thread.MIN_PRIORITY); setName("Shit tree handler 0"); } @[member=Override] public void run() { do { Player i = myPlayer(); if (i != null) { if (i.isHitBarVisible()) { interrupt = true; NPC tree = npcs.closest(4418); if (tree != null) { log("under attack tree"); if (tree.getY() > myPlayer().getY() && am.dist(tree, myPlayer()) < 2) { Position p = myPosition().translate(am.gauss(3), 0); p.interact(bot, "Walk here"); am.delay(am.gaussp(1200, 600)); continue; } } } else { interrupt = false; } } am.delay(50); } while (running); } };
  4. How would I add parameters like these? I tried using cmd line but it only applies to the launcher it seems. java -Xmx1500M -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -jar "C:\Users\John\Desktop\osbot 2.4.100.jar"
  5. This isn't the only npc that halts your movement. Like the guy in the chair in falador castle, and others. It would be nice to see the web walking realize that it is not actually walking, and then evaluate() The thread polling solution is rather cumbersome for such a simple task.
  6. Thank you yes that is a workaround however seems really haxxy
  7. Okay I am more confused now. It seems to be working, slightly. WebWalkEvent ev = new WebWalkEvent(edgeLever); ev.setBreakCondition(new Condition() { @[member=Override] public boolean evaluate() { log("Check"); return myPlayer().isHitBarVisible(); } }); execute(ev); when im walking normally, it says "check" every couple of steps. However, it seems to only check while i am moving. So if I get stuck behind the tree, and it's smacking me for 3 damage every tick, its just sitting there, and its not saying "check" at all until i pause the bot and move manually or it dies.
  8. What i did for my mules was actually send a private message or clan chat which would start the other bot ;)
  9. hmm maybe i am using it incorrectly WebWalkEvent ev = new WebWalkEvent(edgeLever); ev.setBreakCondition(new Condition() { @[member=Override] public boolean evaluate() { return myPlayer().isHitBarVisible(); } }); ev.execute(); at SharkMuler.onLoop(SharkMuler.java:134) is ev.execute();
  10. How to add it into the break condition so it stops the webwalk?
  11. exactly where im currently at lol what im thinking: if tree is north - walk west/east if tree is west/east walk north just figured someone had already written the code ;)
  12. I kind of assumed it would be handled in the webwalking since it's so fancy. However, if you walk by draynor, and it runs into one of the tree npcs, it will literally just kill you in that spot over and over. Anyone have a workaround?
  13. "this is a great time to go outdoors and get some fresh air and check back later." Do you literally sit at your PC and watch bots? That's what it sounds like
  14. ETA on fix? It's a common RS update. You'd think that you guys would be ready the moment they went live, what with all the money donated to you.
  15. I would like to see an answer to this as well. The bots over obfuscation really limits script flexibility for fully automated farms.
  16. How long does it usually take to push an updated version? I was running my bots 20/4 before this xD Need that GP!
  17. Not sure if this is because of the recent game update or not, but I can't use any script: java.lang.AbstractMethodError: ai.getTransformIds()[I at org.osbot.rs07.api.def.ObjectDefinition.<init>(ro:206) at org.osbot.rs07.api.def.ObjectDefinition.add(ro:80) at org.osbot.SB.IiiiiiiiiIIi(mx:34) at org.osbot.BotCallback.m3(cx:258) at ai.y(ai.java:105) at ad.z(ad.java:86) at fs.m(fs.java:235) at au.af(au.java:4807) at client.g(client.java:818) at ek.pb(ek.java:211) at ek.run(ek.java:190) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
  18. I tried that, and the door is NOT in the list. I am assuming because of the same error that is causing the exception i experienced.
  19. You didn't try my coordinates. I'm using the same code.. The list is the only way to get the object that that coords, there can be multiple objects per coordinate, up to 10.
  20. java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -156 at org.osbot.rs07.api.Objects.get(ln:138) at ChefBot.onLoop(ChefBot.java:107) at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$InternalExecutor.run(ao:83) at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source) Offending line: List<RS2Object> doorTile = objects.get(3242, 3212); Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
  21. not working for me. latest version. as do i
  22. OSBot logs me in itself when i start up the script. It's just most of the time it wont work again if the player gets kicked. It's like it's not detecting that the player is logged out.
  23. How can I make my script stay logged in? If it gets randomly disconnected, the bot will not even attempt to log back in, ever. The client must be manually restarted. Breaks are disabled during this time.
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