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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by dmmslaver

  1. @OP: Getting exact same result. Even with manual completion of tutorial island.
  2. When you're picking the berries, is the inventory OPEN? When you pause/resume does it open the inventory?
  3. You set tab to eg quest tab, then obtain an item from the ground NOT from dropping it, from from rock, tree, etc, and without opening inventory, getAmount returns? i added your skype
  4. I've been using same mule since october. Probably put 1B+ through it. That being said, I have had mules banned in 45 minutes for running them on same ip as bots.
  5. Really because I'm sitting here watching a blank script with inventory.getAmount returning zero with the item in inventory..
  6. I submitted a bug report about inventory needing to be open in order to view items. If they don't fix it that breaks all scripts that use tabs other than inventory and use any item checking for script logic. So all of them Idk but on my tut island script it will mine entire inventory of ore and won't register as having one until the tab is opened.
  7. It's all fun and games until your tier 24 mule gets banned with 86,000K yew logs
  8. It really depends man. One day I ran 95 accounts on a single ip for 20 hours in f2p. Other days I will make 20 bots 1 ip each and they get chain banned after tut. Is pretty troll
  9. 50 ge bots now working flawlessly, thanks bro.
  10. If its closing the bank while it's open, most likely you are calling bank booth.interact while the bank is open. Bad scripting. Nothing to do with low cpu mode. You need to check if the bank is open before you click, not before you move the mouse to click.
  11. How did you do this? I get locks even when manually doing tut island
  12. WHY does the script not disable roofs 0/10 script. Unless disables roofs. Then script is 10/10 would recommend.
  13. dmmslaver

    Stealth Quester

    I used quickstart "All F2P" and 7QP across three bots, two of the three have been making 70k/hr f2p for over 24 hours since completing quests.
  14. dmmslaver

    Stealth Quester

    Also just to report back, I started 3 accounts with this yesterday to 24+QP. Two of the thee have been botting an 80k/hr method on F2P for over 24 hours. This exceeds any account I have ran on the money making script by 20 hours. Script seems to massively improve banrate compared to just idling the accounts for 24h
  15. dmmslaver

    Stealth Quester

    I can see how that would be unless they link my account or something lol. Also, the script stopped itself after starting to walk back to the mugger. The screenshot shows where it stopped. Bug report for ali: F2P/P2P: F2P Stealth Injection/Mirror Mode: Inject CLI parameters: None, "All F2P" quickstart Number of bot tabs open in 1 client: 1 Number of clients running: 2 on this script Operating system: Win 7 Scripts previously ran in the same client session: Khal Tut island Number of bank tabs: 1 Quick start option used (or the quest list you created): First 7QP mode was used. After it completed successfully, "All F2P" was used. Attack style: Magic Quest: Prince ali Place where it happens: In the building above in screenshot (exact position) Logger contents: (all I have is the above, it was spamming the same error over and over, so the entire content is displayed there) Description: Not sure if it forgot the rope, or if it used the rope on her and then just idled too long. Not really sure.
  16. Purchased the script. So far have only found one bug. When attempting to go through the gates after smiting the dagger, if it lags, it can accidentally go back through the gate to the smithing area, and will spam click combat tutor until ban. So it would be nice if that could be fixed Works for me! using CLI
  17. dmmslaver

    Stealth Quester

    Update on the trial: It's broke See attachment. Left script was ran on "7QP preset" then "ALL F2P preset". Got stuck here. Right script is almost to that point, will report back. Won't be purchasing just yet Or maybe I will buy it and just use 7QP. EDIT: Second image is the result of restarting the script after it stopped working. EDIT2: Third image is the second script breaking after dying to the mugger during rune mysteries at Aubury.
  18. You bot them all on the same ip? Just wondering where you get your IPs from that you use for tut. Or how many you bot on your home ip lol
  19. VPS provider/source of ips for doing tut?
  20. Please add to OP for retards like I
  21. dmmslaver

    Stealth Quester

    When creating mass accounts, having one central guy mass trade off items/gold for 7qp seems like quick ban. Would it be possible just for 7QP to gather the items in future update? In the mean time, I'll be mass trading off 7QP items
  22. I tried to override login handler using this exact code: However when I run the script it uses the normal login handler... What am I doing wrong? fixed, EDIT: CLI -norandoms sorry for spam lol
  23. I added this to my scripts exactly as you showed in the example code and when I run the script to login it uses the normal login handler and none of the methods you provided are being run. What am I doing wrong?
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