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  1. Please can you cancel subscription, haven’t managed to find it on PayPal. Only found my VIP payments. Please help.
  2. It happens randomly, I see it spike & sometimes it doesn’t matter so much it’s just noticeable more when the account dies. I don’t run other applications whilst running it. I am aiming to run more than one client at a time. However regarding this issues I’ve only been using 1 and this is happening.
  3. Hi all, I have recently purchased a new gaming laptop. specs - 16gb Ram 3200mhz sodimm ssd 512gb Nvme AMD Ryzen 7 4800h 8 core 16 thread processor windows 11 GTX 3050 I have been running zulrah / Vork scripts in mirror & stealth, I have noticed that my FPS comes crashing down from 50 to really low for a split second & this split second is fatal. I have tried Stealth and the character still dies to the same mechanics. It’s not constant but it happens every 2 kills or so now sometimes less. for more information when It’s running I check task manager and that’s 9% cpu and 26% ram I have run a defrag & optimise drives ran disk cleaner & still the issues persists. I have run CCleaner and performance optimised to shut everything down in the background. Im only running 1 client at the moment and FPS drops happening. I have done a factory reset & reinstalled Java 8u361 Have updated all drivers with CCleaner and done all windows updates. I had turned off windows security real time scanning. I have turned off firewall. im really unsure what else I can do. the whole thing is bizarre. The laptop can clearly handle it (CPU & RAM) however the fps dropping out is killing the start up of my farm. I can’t even run 1 client let alone another. I’m willing to pay for the help now! Please if anybody could help that would be great. thanks in advance!
  4. What do you want the script to do? (be specific, the more details the better) Id like a bot that can gather KC in GWD for General Graardor & run the 6-0 method ranging graardor, that has banking and anti ban support & randomising mouse clicks. with elite void switching for blood barrage on the minions & switching back to ranged for when the next encounter starts. also support world hopping. i’m looking for a rough estimate on how much this would cost. Thanks.
  5. What do you want the script to do? (be specific, the more details the better) Id like a bot that can gather KC in GWD for General Graardor & run the 6-0 method ranging graardor, that has banking and anti ban support & randomising mouse clicks. with elite void switching for blood barrage on the minions & switching back to ranged for when the next encounter starts. also support world hopping. i’m looking for a rough estimate on how much this would cost. Thanks.
  6. What do you want the script to do? (be specific, the more details the better) Id like a bot that can gather KC in GWD for General Graardor & run the 6-0 method ranging graardor, that has banking and anti ban support & randomising mouse clicks. with elite void switching for blood barrage on the minions & switching back to ranged for when the next encounter starts. also support world hopping. i’m looking for a rough estimate on how much this would cost. Thanks.
  7. What do you want the script to do? (be specific, the more details the better) Id like a bot that can gather KC in GWD for General Graardor & run the 6-0 method ranging graardor, that has banking and anti ban support & randomising mouse clicks. with elite void switching for blood barrage on the minions & switching back to ranged for when the next encounter starts. also support world hopping. i’m looking for a rough estimate on how much this would cost. Thanks.
  8. Hey i've noticed that looting isn't working for myself? i've used the advised items to loot, copy and pasted from the contents of page 1 on this topic. i've completed several tasks and babysat & watched my account not gain blood & death runes etc... any ideas? look forward to hearing from ya! thanks
  9. dhughes98

    Stealth NMZ

    [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:08 AM]: Loaded 4 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:08 AM]: starting script [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:08 AM]: starting listeners [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:08 AM]: finding window title [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:08 AM]: starting script without options [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:13 AM]: BreakManager: We will bot for 85 minute(s) and break for 59 minute(s) [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:14 AM]: started script with settings: {bosses=Arrg;Dad;Ice Troll King;Moss Guardian;Tree Spirit, dream type=Customisable Rumble (Normal), dream position=Any, power-ups=Recurrent Damage, holy wrench=false, guzzle rock cake=false, guzzle min=4, guzzle max=8, leave dream at max points=true, hop worlds between dreams=false, buy herb boxes daily=false, flick rapid heal=false, flick min=40, flick max=55, use special attack=false, main weapon=, main shield=, switch weapon=false, spec weapon=, spec shield=, energy required=100, recharge blowpipe=false, min darts=1000, min scales=1500, repair barrows armour=false, below percent=25, take breaks=true, break frequency=1, min break=21, max break=39, prayer potion=13, super restore=0, super ranging=0, super magic=0, overload=0, absorption=0, food amount=8, super combat potion=5, food type=Shark, eat min hp=30, eat max hp=35, prayer min=5, prayer max=10, absorption min=100, absorption max=500, repot min=8, repot max=12, protect from melee=true, ultimate strength=false, incredible reflexes=false, eagle eye=false, mystic might=false, preserve=false, chivalry=false, piety=false, rigour=false, augury=false, min overload delay=0, max overload delay=10, limit daily runtime=false, min daily limit=8, max daily limit=16, min start botting=08:00, max start botting=10:30} [WARN][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:14 AM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager! [WARN][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:14 AM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk. [WARN][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:14 AM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking. [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:15 AM]: updating context [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:16 AM]: bank not cached [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:16 AM]: opening bank [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:19 AM]: bank not cached [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:19 AM]: loading bank cache [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:21 AM]: attempting to withdraw items [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:21 AM]: withdrawing 13 x Prayer potion(4) [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:25 AM]: attempting to withdraw items [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:25 AM]: withdrawing 8 x Shark [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:28 AM]: attempting to withdraw items [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:28 AM]: withdrawing 5 x Super combat potion(4) [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:41 AM]: ran out of money [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:41 AM]: Terminating script Stealth NMZ... [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:41 AM]: exiting script [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:41 AM]: changing window title [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:41 AM]: exited script [INFO][Bot #1][12/22 12:51:41 AM]: Script Stealth NMZ has exited!
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