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Posts posted by THS

  1. On 07/11/2017 at 9:47 AM, mixtapeguy said:

    only this. but I remember a guy saying gl when i scrolled chat

    06-Nov-2017 Bot Busting Moderate (ban)

     I got spotted by a mod? Idk really. the script was A+
    will use again

    Doubt you were spotted by a mod, depends what time you were botting though, possible lol.

    Care to share any dets on the account? Gear/stats? Could help some others :)

  2. I can only concur with @Juggles here, it's pretty clear that your accounts were stolen.

    Maybe consult your provider :). By that I mean your power company, might be using some budget sockets and they're over-throttling your wiring, pretty clear to Jagex that you're attempting to farm.

  3. 32 minutes ago, Theorems said:

    By hunting, I'm guessing you mean looking for patterns specific to that bot. Thing is if it was an advanced ai with a few million lines of code they wouldn't be able to find any pattern that they could be sure isn't a legit player. 

    Not even sure what they'd be hunting for. I'm just imaging the backlash the company would face if someone actually did that and they couldn't find a way to keep it out of the game, PR team would be going ballistic.

    Not trying to shit on your parade or anything, just an interesting scenario lol.

  4. 6 minutes ago, Theorems said:

    Humans are just so much more complex then bots. If you were to put google's AI development team on making a complex bot for osrs with a large enough budget I'm sure they could create something completely undetectable to Jagex (or at least almost undetectable).

    A working antiban isn't impossible to make as many people on here like to say, but it would have to be so complex that it may as well be.

    lel they'd just go actively hunting for it if it was at that scale.

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