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Posts posted by THS

  1. @Notey Nah that's not the problem, it's full.

    I've actually just noticed it happens while looting or checking/loading the trident aswell. In my eyes it seems to be by updating the signature, logger always has this as the last result before inevitably idling. I'll try keep an eye on them to see if this is just a recurring issue for me.

  2. Only issue I've encountered is after teleing to clan wars, it gets stuck on 'managing blowpipe', logger shows it checking the blowpipe then submitting signature, then it freezes until it logs out/logs back in. Perpetual cycle.


  3. 3 hours ago, IDontEB said:

    merch clans only worked for the top levels.

    If you were in merch clans and didn't go into it knowing that the higher ups had an advantage, you deserved to lose money lol.


    Not advocating for this at all, people shouldn't go into these groups expecting to make money.

    It's all a gamble, only put up what you're willing to lose.

    But there is money to be made.

  4. 3 hours ago, Jbotter said:

    what are you the master of my friend?

    Design Innovation - Industrial Design

    I'm a big thinker and I like to make stuff with new shit :doge:


    Out of all my tertiary experience though, post-grad was the best. At that point the staff kind of have to be invested in your success, they're alot more friendly and quite frankly the barrier between teacher/student drops. Being part of the cohort is a great learning environment, although mine was very studio based given the area.

    My advice would be similar to Alek, if you are going to go through with a post-graduate program, find something that:

    - Interests you

    - Gives you some actual experience working real-world situations

    - Do things on the side that might run alongside your research, without detriment of course.


    Don't get pigeon holed into something you don't think you want to do, but feel like you should. You're already on the wrong foot and it's easy to tell who's there because they want to be and who isn't. Can read it on my students faces.

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