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Posts posted by THS

  1. Quote

    It works like this: After uploading malicious files or malware executables on Google Drive, bad actors could create a public link and share an arbitrary Google Doc as a lure in sophisticated social engineering schemes designed to convince recipients to execute the malware once it has been downloaded. Proofpoint researchers also confirmed that it was possible to trigger exploits without user interaction.

    So you still have to be stupid enough to download something and run it.

    Sauce - Took one google: https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/google-drive-exploited-to-download/

  2. Possible to add a failsafe to stop the script if it idles for 5 minutes? I know Frost has the same thing.

    I'd rather have the script stop entirely than continue to log in and afk at the tele spot getting reported lul.


    - Also afk'd at lumbridge after dying.

  3. Still having the same issue with it checking blowpipe after teleing to clan wars and being in a standstill, even after logging back in. Same as earlier post,

    Let me know if I could be of any help, could be something on my end.

  4. 12 hours ago, Fruity said:

    Do you have multiple kills on and does this only happen when you abandon mid fight?


    Just sat here for the last few minutes, i can pause/start and it won't do anything.

    Usually when this happens i have to restart the script.

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