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Posts posted by THS

  1. 5 minutes ago, Antonio Kala said:

    No clue but just google paypal horror stories there are countless of them.


    I've been using paypal since 2008 and havehad no issues though.

    Again, making a problem where there is none.

    I've had a friend get his paypal locked with $900 on it, but that's cause he phished all the money and committed fraud to do it. Don't do anything stupid and paypal would have no reason to say 'hey, fuck you buddy'

  2. 8 hours ago, Antonio Kala said:

    Is it a good idea to just leave your money on paypal instead of transferring to the bank?

    I leave mine in there, most people here would be paranoid to because of the risk of chargebacks/refunds. I'm happy to leave mine because of my solid customer base, so to each their own.

    'safe' in terms of someone else finding out? The only way an agency would find out about your paypal and your paypal balance, is if you tell them.

  3. Just withdraw from paypal lol, it isn't a problem until you make it one or someone else does. Selling a virtual currency on a game is laughable, i tell people I'm a virtual drug dealer to simps who actually pay for that shit.

    Inland Revenue here never asked questions, cause I never did anything that required them too.


    Also another tip:

    Any regular/recurring payments or any purchase that you can put on paypal, do that. Means less transactions going into your bank accounts, even less questions. Plus it feels good to know you're kinda getting shit for free.

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  4. On 04/08/2017 at 5:35 AM, theundertaker said:

    account banned, set to do 300 iron platebodies thinking it would stop running after they were done and would be safe with only 20 mins or so of botting got home from work to the bot withdrawing and putting back in a hammer perm banned level 100 main almost all quests done and 50m on the account.


  5. Keep us updated brother, love reading these posts.

    Though it may be seen as a ridiculous capital investment to alot of people, you're right in saying that the parts have resale value. And their depreciation over time aswell as possible wear and tear (depending on if you actually do want to get greedy on the tuning), are pretty much covered in longevity.

    Can I ask how you've been turning a profit on 'trading' cryptos? Just playing with changes in rates and finding the right moments or?


    Feel free to tell me to fuck off.

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