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Posts posted by THS

  1. 3 hours ago, Skypiea said:

    Wow amazing achievement buddy. It's hard to imagine for me to create even 2 long term accounts without getting banned. I'm having a rough time making my green dragon bot. I get banned consistently botting f2p 1-30 strength at seagulls which takes around 2 hours. I do it straight after tutorial island and I used different proxies. Any tips on that?

    You pretty much just explained what the problem is

    • Like 1
  2. Hype! Genuinely interested in what you have to say and how you progress.

    Like I said in your other thread, you're quite the compelling read. Don't fizzle out and feed us! (Even if it is on a runescape botting forum :???: )

    • Like 1
  3. I think you've got alot more to offer than writing this on a botting forum, maybe consider blogging this on a proper platform. Who knows, down the line you may find that you're quite compelling and interesting to read based on the feedback you get. Could even turn into something you love doing that helps pay a few bills.

    There's enough self-help shit out there, don't get me wrong. But you never know the audience you're going to resonate with given the amount of information you're willing to share.

    • Like 1
  4. Discourages me a little lol.

    Even though I dont use this service, the idea that something like this can happen so easily and so often, ugh. Makes me rethink my stance on it all, current financial system might be abit of a cunt but at least some rogue fuck can't take my dollars.

  5. On 12/4/2017 at 5:43 AM, The Hero of Time said:

    can people stop thinking weekends are safe, that would make absolutely 0 sense. 0. you just play legit 5 days a week and bot 24/7 for 2 days, because hurr durr jagex employizzz arun't at wurk hehe xd xd

    Well it USED to be the case, people like OP just haven't done the testing.

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