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Trade With Caution
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About tingtangz

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  • Location:
    Rothesay NB
  • Interests
    love me some video games

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  1. hey, title says it im selling 24m for 20$ (CAD) interac e transfer will sell paypal aswell but higher rate, you go first or we use mm. thanks msg me here or on discord @ zenayta#1330
  2. bump ill do 19m if can find in the next hour >.>
  3. Hey folks, looking to sell 17mil for 10US only accepting interact e Transfer CAD. You go first or your mm for fees as this is a severly discounted rate. pm for disc name
  4. Hey, title kinda sums it up, need a 15$ canadian e transfer, so offering 20m for an e transfer, will go first is trusted
  5. Type of trade: ehm GP for CAD e-trans Your contact info (skype, discord, etc): live:mw2noobforlife Other Person's contact info (skype, discord, etc): missingsix Do you agree to TOS:Yes
  6. certainly will use mm, however if you find one im more thanw illing to go through him, but i geniunly dont know where to go to get mm's
  7. Like title says, 50m at .55$/m canadian e transfer only, will use mm if not trusted, will go first if trusted
  8. I'm going to be leaving this side of the country for the next 10 months tomorrow, i will be working on the riggs so will not be playing runescape anymore. Would come with creation email, and the registered email on the acc, would use mm. pm me if interested Stats
  9. thanks for the trial tom, i was mining amethyst and noticed it has a habbit of running to another ore when it hasnt gotten the ore from the current wall. nothing appears in the logger it just spam's "mining" xD just something to look into
  10. Title says selling 40m for .38 per mill CAD/interact e transfer only
  11. hey tom would i be able to get a trial of this please?
  12. hi khal should have come to you for bf scripts originaly ? would i be able to get a trial for 24hours just to check out how fluid it is?
  13. wow, incredibly slow clicks, 111 issue, has the option for iron bar imo the only bar worth while with the low ammount of bars outputted by this script but doesnt actually support iron bars, goes right to steel....
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