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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Master00j

  1. would love to have a trial of this seems awesome!
  2. hello, I can do this for you! Skype: drocgecacher
  3. add my Skype: drocgecacher can do this
  4. Master00j

    Fruity NMZ

    Just purchased this script today! seems to work flawlesss! Edit: does this script support to make broken barrows gear?
  5. Again big shoot-out --> http://prntscr.com/hvyupx flawless run until Runescape update
  6. No, other acc already sold when it was 80/80/80. Was doing nmz on this acc, but sands is almost same xp for me since I don't use dharox
  7. was wondering, thats hp and Stre xp right?
  8. Up and running again --> http://prntscr.com/hvj86s
  9. ooh yeah deff in no time, created the acc 12/22/17 80/82/74 stats atm. So its really nice! But my signature isn't updating? Or do I have to close the whole osbot client?
  10. was planning to make it 80/80/80. But lets push it to the limit and suicided it :p edit: Lost power on my macbook so lost proggy ;(
  11. yeah I'm aware of that, But when it got banned its my own fault. Just a big shout-out to apaec for this amazing script! Ok thanks for the info!
  12. Most important thing is that this script is just flawless! Can't tell any bad thing about this script. Still running it btw, gaining over 6M xp in a row 69.2K xp/hr (How does the dynamic signature work? Seems it is not up to date since I've been using this script for a while now and def. trained more xp then it says in the sign.
  13. been using it for more then 3days straight now. and used it on several other acc's didn't received any ban yet. proggie --> https://prnt.sc/hu4ffv
  14. there you go! --> http://prntscr.com/hu4ffv
  15. big vouch for this script! running for about 3days straight now, Runs flawless http://prntscr.com/htymh6
  16. the email came from a non-reply adress.
  17. Wel I asked someone to lvl my acc 70/70/70 when he reached 70/71/69 the account received a perm ban. (the worker claimed he didn't bot on it. Neither did I before the ban). I just made an appeal and 2weeks later I've received this mail --> http://prntscr.com/hnl9o5 . Think if you let someone else bot your acc (different ip) and the account get banned. You should be able to make a successful appeal. (Not sure about it.)
  18. My experience... account 1: My account received a perm. ban 1month ago, I managed to squash that ban and after that I've botted again got me a 2day ban. I've been botting on it now for over more then 2week (stealth quester/ Frost cape) and now running nmz bot for more then 10hrs a day. Still didn't received any ban. account 2: 2nd account: started with botting 2days ago (used juggles aio fighter and stealth quester) got me a perm ban next morning. used the same ip as the first Account. 1st account hasn't been banned. I really don't have an explanation for it. But as mentioned above certain activity's have an higher banrate!
  19. This still supports the trading option (Master/worker) set-up?
  20. Would like to get a trial of this script! Seems to be a nice and stable script as I can read the reviews
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