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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Master00j

  1. I can do both depends on what you want. By bot it is lot cheaper. but by hand there is no risk for a ban.
  2. i can get you full void for 12.5M skype: drocgecacher
  3. Quests/Services you need: fighter torso Your Skype: drocgecacher Do you agree with my T.o.S: yes
  4. I have the same problem. I payd 5m for service didn't replied on Skype or forum message. 1day now.
  5. Thnx for your trust in Master00j's services. Hope to see you soon again, And enjoy the cape!
  6. Fire cape service is finished! Thanks for your trust in Master00j's services!
  7. Order completed! Thanks for your trust in Master00j's Services
  8. Talking to you on skpe. Order confirmed! Payment received. Thnx for your trust in Master00j's services. Your order will be finished within 8hours.
  9. Order completed! Thnx for your trust in Master00j's services.
  10. Order completed! Thnx for your trust in Master00j's All in one service.
  11. Order confirmed, I received the money on my paypal account. Thanks for the trust! The cape will be on the account in max 5hours from now on.
  12. Order confirmed. Middleman 'Acerd' got the money till i finished service. Service will be finished in 5hours. Thnx for your trust!
  13. Added you on skype. I can cover the stuff, But only with a moderator as middleman.
  14. Hello, I'm looking to someone that can develop a website for me. Info: I got already a design. so only need a developer that can handle php,html and all other stuff. What for website it need to be: it is meaned to be a service website for runescape. some examples: -questservice -powerlevelservice -Bonds sales -Membership sales etc... All things needs to work with an order system and an admin panel so we can check out the order. For more details please add me on skype:
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