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Everything posted by Light

  1. When using "find lectern" and it finds eagle lectern it goes to portal and then goes out of the portal and back in (loop). I had to manually click "eagle lectern" for it to work, could you fix?
  2. I recommend no one to use the script during UK working hours, since even if you've played legit, have breaks or mirror. It won't save you.
  3. Depends on your agility lvl, if above 55 I'll do it for 5.5m.
  4. I can do this, skype me. Light.osbot Price will be 16m
  5. If you're going to use pp, just use bogla.
  6. Lol how do you get motivated by getting banned
  7. First you need 100 pc to even make a topic, and doubt anyone will buy for a high amount and low rep that you have.
  8. Light

    Nmz Quests

    I ment this. It's not that one, that is for afking guthans which doesn't work as it used to.
  9. Light

    Nmz Quests

    Mountain Daughter Tree gnome village Vampire Slayer Lost City Fight Arena Do these quests for best xp/h. There is an another method, however, it requires more quests.
  10. Light

    Nmz Quests

    Depends, do you want xp or points per hour?
  11. Don't, I did the same with my maxed pure, regreted it after like week.
  12. i have lvl 3 sitting with 70m lol.
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