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Everything posted by GameCube

  1. Stealth quester, and 7 hours is all you need for mith gloves.....
  2. also how would someone prove this? how do other service people get scammed for taking of rs07 gold? or does it only work if paypal and tracked down? for the service worker of quester in this matter.
  3. bullshit, but okay. broken system, @Uhtred have fun with my items you scum bag, @Asuna please contact decoded or someone who you can give the gold you owe me. not talking to either of them both scums in my yes now. Decoded if you take the gold or who ever does pm me or post here and i will contact you.
  4. other then the tiers i posted a gyazo of them during my 13 def pure price check. they have been taken off my account.
  5. the only proof of me having the items on my account is from my feed back of all the gold i buy off Realist, and or if, Asuna and uhtred can admit that i had a fury and blowpipe to use during the service to kill the boss's in monkey madness and DT. Didnt think i would need to worry, when i have used a ton of different people(trusted,vip,LTS, ect.) never taking so much caution towards being scammed. Didnt think i would need to take pictures of every single thing when it comes to using a Ex mods service. Maybe Asuna should have picked his Workers a lot more carefully as i bought tons of gold and wouldn't be bitching about 20m if i didnt get scammed. Unless Asuna is a scum bag and scammed me himself,
  6. Remember people to change passwords as soon as your order is completed or terminated.
  7. Dont want more quests. Would like the refund. but why should i pay for the quest that ruined my account? aka. MM which was 5m And i have contacted Mald Dex and Solution about my account being wiped clean. waiting for them to look at everything because i still feel this is extremely wrong. waiting for them also before i take any money. quests, account being ruined and hopefully the scammed items.
  8. Just check here worker hasnt been paid, maybe at the start he wasnt thinking it then after he ruined my account and got kicked off your team, said so yourself in skype, hes like lets check to see if i can grab any money going to get banned now anyways? scam quit? a lot of people do it.
  9. I feel until i had an answer from Asuna through Skype about how much i should get back, the service was still in roll/maybe not an active order, but an order thats on stand by because HIS WORKER FUCkED UP. Instead of gold i may ask for a bunch of quests done on the account or a little power leveling to make up for everything. yes my account was ruined but there was still work i paid for to be completed and more work after if he didnt fuck up, to be done. then you have someone working on a list of quests that take 2 days, been about 4-5 now. starts some doesn't finish then finishs other quests, fucks up my account then asks how much does he owe for the mistake, i take a couple hours to myself come back give an answer, check my account, still hasnt moved. go to bed waiting for an answer the first time i said 80m. i wake up the next day check my account, its fully cleaned on tuesday morning. reason why i didnt change password This had been way to much work and completely bullshit. didnt think an EX mods shop would be this fucking shitty. but it is what it is. i feel as Asuna looked at the bank he saw the gear he knows what was on the account he even told me he wanted to try pking on the account because it was good/nice build. 20m is a low ball for the gear and stuff in the bank. fury blowpipe ect. and now all that is gone. 15m in quests ##m of gold for the account 20m scammed- Asuna as being the service owner is at Fault of not just the scam but the service as a whole.
  10. And i would like it if a mod found out Asuna side with his worker. i wanna know if the worker got paid, if the worker quit, or if the worker got his down payment back to become a service worker under Asuna's name. because if the worker got or didnt get any money, it may could change thoughts of who took the gold. because on monday it was all there while account being at gnome village. tuesday morning i log in and its at lumby with cleaned bank. (personally dont need to see pictures but i want a mod to see whats up with his worker.) it went from: hey quests going to be done today? yes sweet! oh im so sorry game cube i fucked up your account and got 34 def, me flipping out, how much are we looking for in reparations. no cancel or anything. if me flipping out and then them saying how much in reparations is "terminating a order" then i guess i will take that as an answer but clearly something is broken in this system.
  11. Also this is added: i would like to see the message where Asuna says the service is cancelled i know i started talking about refunds but i wanna see the message you saw of saying the service has been terminated.
  12. http://osbot.org/forum/topic/108585-dispute-against-asuna-and-his-quester/#entry1218753
  13. Just because its impossible to see who actually took the gold? Clearly this is a Grey area around here in osbot. i have been active for almost a year every day, and i have seen tons of posts where service questers do the quests and come back and scam days later if they dont change the password. and get away with it. clearly super mods or admins need to look into this, and if reports of a scam then maybe ban them. i wouldnt be making this huge fuss over 20m in gear. but because my account is fucked im pissed. i buy 100m gold or more at a time, 20m is nothing but the fact that people on here can get away with thing kinda stuff is bullshit. way to go best/ number 1 botting forums !@#$%^ its great. and if Asuna says he didnt do it, and all he says about his worker is that "it would be stupid for him to scam you", well you already kicked me him off your team. Asuna did say if he scamed me Asuna would give me his Down payment. Dt- 10m Monkey madness- 5m, not paying for a quest that fucked my account because the quester doesn't know how to do the service correctly. Also this is added: i would like to see the message where Asuna says the service is cancelled i know i started talking about refunds but i wanna see the message you saw of saying the service has been terminated.
  14. Please hide what is needed. account name is shown. and how does that make sense? lets say i spend 100m for someone to make me a pure, and they are just about to finish it up and does the same thing and fuck up monkey madness as the last quest and thing to finish off the service, an he fucks up the pure. that 100m is completely useless to the person that paid. they wanted the quests done on a pure and now they have a butt fucked account with 34 def. and oh because it was done its okay? its worthless, gotta add 100 more hours into the account before its even useful again. how the fuck is that fair? Because once your favorite account gets ruined you kinda are to mad for life. so i left to go hit bongs all day. and since an ex mod and his worker are the only ones that have the password i didn't think i should have worried. also the service was never terminated maybe seemed like so, but it was never said. and Asuna keeps saying of idk why, or its dumb for him to scam, or why would he scam? idk why but he did or if he didnt it was you Asuna, this has been my main account for little over a month maybe more now, and look at my feedback, all i do here is buy gold and buy accounts and services. first time i have had an account ruin'd and i also got fucked over for 3 days and account being scamed. the account was loaded in pking gear and sets. It may be cheaper for him to refund my gold? well i dont see any gold from him? guess hes happy with my 20-25m in gear and tiers.
  15. Disputed member: @Asuna and @@Uhtred Thread Link: Dont think i posted on his thread but it was his new service thread, then i made a post, which then he posted on and we started talking on Skype. My post http://osbot.org/forum/topic/108364-some-nmz-training/ its been edited meny times. Explanation: I paid 26m for a list of quests to be completed, some were started and done some yet to finish. 2-4 days to do 2 days worth of work, irl stuff happened i know. then Asuna worker then messes up getting the def xp on my pure, ruining my 13 def pure which i was turning into a high risk pker. after this happens i am really mad, they are saying sorry then Asuna says how much are we looking at in reparations and i didn't answer until hours later. then the next day i log into my account and the account is cleaned out, full bank is done, all my tiers and even my bounty hunter points. i had tons of pking sets plus extra gear i have pked and use. all cleaned out, i then change my password and message Asuna. 26m in wasted gold on quests that are now pointless and useless one a failed pure. my pure is now ruined which i made a post about here http://osbot.org/forum/topic/108533-13-def-70-combat-pure-price-check/#entry1217979 people said its worth 30m but i puts a ton of money into the account and time. i believe its worth at least 45-50m. it was a fully ready to pk account, yes it was 13 def but it was 70 combat so 55 slayer and getting the slayer helm would only be a 1-2 days of work. plus about 20m (which is a low ball) in gear and tiers scammed from, i believe his quester because i dont think an ex mod would scam 20m in items. 26M PLUS 50M PLUS 20M = 106m.
  16. block out some stats and the time
  17. he got life time and $100 donor now better watch out ;)
  18. OSBot Version: 2.4.96 Mirror Mode?: no Description Of Bug: mouse is slightly off of clicking mahogany table, mouse needs to click slightly more to the right. looks like a broken bot. also, the bot doesnt need to thank the demon butler after it comes back with the planks. wasted time and looks weird. once the butler comes back into the house you can start making the object again. Console Error : Screenshot of in-game screen(upload on imgur): cant get one, run the script to see.
  19. Stats: 70 combat 75 hp 60 attack 77 str max 26-26 dds edge gear. 13 def Quested addy gloves. 85 range, almost all by cannon. 31 prayer 53 magic. 90 fming 65 construction ready to pk house, spec restore, glory alter ect. 38 slayer Fully quested, 107 quest points. monkey madness, god books, dt, ect. Account has 5m edgevillege death spawn. Tiers https://gyazo.com/921d5bf53205b8170620b49748f363e6 Account has a 2 day ban, how much for this pk ready pure?
  20. 35 slayer on a obby mauler?....
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