This isn't a discussion and nobody is offering you to pay your way out of TWC. If your next message here isn't confirming that you've paid @Decode the 185m cost of the account you will be banned.
Removing this feedback since he was at fault here for outsourcing the order without notification, @Marwan44 this makes 2 false feedback you have left people, do it again and you'll face further consequences.
The situation has been discussed with @Maldesto and @Decode and we have come to the following conclusions:
@Marwan44 will remain permanently in TWC for sketchy actions
@BestCaper must refund @niyajuan the full cost of the order, regardless of if the account has been recovered or not
@BestCaper's service thread has been unlocked; from now on ALL workers must be listed on this thread and you will be held more liable for their actions therefore.
Please let us know when the service has been refunded so we can close this.
I've placed @Marwan44 in TWC and warned him of this dispute. It's bit ridiculous that @Marwan44 thought he could just outsource to a Sythe servicer without permission from the account owner and service owner.