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Night last won the day on June 26 2018

Night had the most liked content!

About Night

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Rune Poster

Rune Poster (8/10)



  1. Hi Night,

    Your chicken killer script got me banned in less than 5 minutes...

  2. Hey Night do you have discord? 

    1. Night


      My discord is not open for OSBot business, please PM me on forums or post in the OSBot discord

    2. kanape789
  3. Just a note, we don't allow the sale of hacked accounts here.
  4. Do not take jobs here and ask for rep on Sythe, this can result in further consequences at both sites.
  5. This, you purchased it on the account "ridget008"
  6. This will depend on your OS as well as who is providing your internet connection if it's a network firewall. There are lots of resources online for Windows specifically, this isn't something we can easily help you with since though
  7. Something is blocking your connection to the OSBot server; if you're using a VPN disable it, otherwise a network or OS firewall etc may be to blame.
  8. @BiscuitMan Since this is a pretty high value account, please post here acknowledging you would be responsible to refund a buyer if the original owner does recover it
  9. @RobertOsb @Aaron Any update on this?
  10. The dev team has been made aware and bot should be back functioning soon, no exact ETA as of now
  11. We will await this to be completed, DM one of the mods if we're needed
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