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Everything posted by jmdegrande

  1. I have some very good news!! Just had my first clue scroll (hard) pickup!! The bot picked it up automatically at Turoths, thank you for the update!
  2. I've been using this script for a whole week, about 12 slayer tasks but never did I get a clue scroll. Is it possible that the bot doesn't pick them up? I put 500gp as minimum loot. Or what should I change to get them picked up?
  3. when the bot is doing his job and I turn my screen a little bit to the right, it keeps swirling around to the right. Until I get a headache and get dizzy.. . It keeps turning around.... Could you fix this? If I want to stop this, I have to stop the bot and restart again. This means I may never turn my screen a little when I don't see anything because of a rock or other things. BUT, really like the script. I've done a lot of slayer monsters with it, without any problems
  4. I'm training at the red salamanders for the moment but i see that it's better to use only three traps. (faster xp than four traps) Can I use this bot when I only want to use three traps? And how?
  5. I have to say some things about this script! It's the most expensive script i ever bought. BUT: I have too say, this one is the best I have ever had. Doesn't get stuck ever, every trap works great, alching during hunter works great, dropping items doesn't look botted, i'm very pleased! This script will help me to get 99 hunter, i'm sure!
  6. could i get a trial? Already have Perfect Fishing bot, really happy with it!
  7. when will it be fixed? I'm hopeless here, xp waste :'(
  8. When i'm banking at Falador for blue dragons in Taverley dungeon, the bot always banks my blood runes that i use for magic. How can i stop this?
  9. teleporting to Camelot doesn't work for me... please fix, thank you!
  10. i've let the script buy everything it wants. But it buys house teleports and mahogany planks. After that it starts doing construction with ring of dueling and house tele's. I have a butler so why doesn't he use him? Isn't the butler the fastest way? ooow man! After 7 minutes it started making mahogany tables with the use of the butler. So runs good for the moment!
  11. could i get a trial for this script? thank you in advance!
  12. I started again the script and my guy goes to the GE and buys house teleports automatically.... When I have a butler, I don't need those? Or should I use the Default option to use my butler?
  13. I'm level 51 construction but i have a problem When I start the script on fast with in my inventory: money, hammer, saw and noted oak logs; My guy just runs to falador bank and stands there .... Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
  14. Could i get a trial please?
  15. One hour of Varrock agility course and it worked perfectly! 11k exp per hour
  16. Can i have a trial? thanks!
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