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$100.00 Donor
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Everything posted by Juggles

  1. I have an account with 78 magic. Only has 1 defense tho. let me know if interested
  2. Did you add me on MSN/Skype yet: Yes Skype Ranged/Prayer/Def Level: 70 range 70 def 44 prayer 72 hitpoints Payment Method: 07 GP Will you vouch/feedback me: Yes Do you agree with TOS: Yes
  3. You may be right. I wish there was a way to disable it tho because I don't want to baby sit my accounts. This makes the script stop every few hours so I have to use a ghost mouse to restart it
  4. Took me 800 tokens to get it
  5. He can't fire you for a false reason. Prove your innocent
  6. Its my own private script. Its a client issue I believe
  7. I'll start the bidding at 5m.
  8. I've sold like 500m on 07 so far without a ban. I don't think RWT has a high ban rate because its hard to differentiate between someone just giving gold away and someone selling it.
  9. Done hope this helps the community ;D
  10. I have a script that world hops a lot but after a few hours of world hopping, I sometimes get the logger "For your account safety" and it stops my script automatically. Is there a way to work around this or disable it?
  11. Still waiting for the admins response.
  12. Spiders on third floor on Stronghold are the best f2p xp I believe.
  13. Skype: Joey-bots I don't care about other stats
  14. Why don't you disable you Ava's so it doesn't pick up items?
  15. How much for firecape with 43 prayer 70 range and 70 def
  16. I didn't get your request.
  17. Buying junk/start mains only Only want 60 attack and 60 strength so I will not pay for any other stats or anything higher Add my skype or post below if interested. Can pay in RSGP or I can make you a simple private script if you like.
  18. ty I will be using it!!
  19. Wouldn't mind a cool sig with my skype in it Skype: Joey-bots
  20. Isn't there a recall on the air bag piece that has killed like 25 people already?
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