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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Santonio

  1. Click your run in right up corner, so it flashes
  2. Just autoclick every 15Min
  3. You cant wear Abyssal tentacle, so maybe dds only ;o or regular
  4. Santonio

    Obby mauler

    Around 10M I guess
  5. Didn't knew you were into this ;o
  6. Since you're not trusted I say 150M +
  7. @upotudrop The void ranger, E-mail registered or?
  8. 70K xp/h with 88 str and 75 attack.
  9. Yeah just play no worries, wont get banned.
  10. no worries just play on it, or just have 90% of your gold on a safe account that is f2p,
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