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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by Santonio

  1. I got this account laying around for a while, just wondering how much I would get for it , it's never botted. It's able to cook karambwan.
  2. Hangt vanaf zonder ban is het zo'n 4-5m waard zou ik zeggen.
  3. Depends, I botted a couple times 1-99 fletching with no problem depends on how long you bot.
  4. I got a unban once, but you u need 2 be lucky as fk
  5. There is a small chance, bought billions not seen any ban.
  6. You still can, but you will be banned since your ip address will be flagged..
  7. A friend is a nice person, amazing vids.
  8. Ohh thought I need vip, but okay sorry then don't buy the account, don't want to get into problems tho.
  9. - Using Regular client. - Stops making battlestaves after gaining level. - Screen: http://prntscr.com/bjxusx Hope u can do something with it!
  10. Could I get a trial? Thanks mate much love Going to bed now, back in like 10 uhrs, hope u can then put the script on my account thanks
  11. - Script name Khal AIO Crafter - trial length 12 uhrs is fine !! - Reason for trial Since Crafting is a boring skill I want to search for a good bot that can boost me to 99! - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? I gave a like, and will give u a feedback when I used the bot and feel like it's worth it! Going to bed now, back in like 10 uhrs, hope u can then put the script on my account thanks
  12. Heyy could I get a trial, liked your main post ! Also want to ask something: Does it really works on black salamanders? Since I tried other prem bots, and they just don't work on black salamanders.. Thanks anyway !
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